I have posted a few times now that there is no real difference between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, and that we have basically been given no choice in the presidential race. Another story has now come out about Mitt Romney which I have posted below and which, sadly, supports the fact that Romney and Obama are no different from one another. A fundraiser was held for Mitt Romney by the
manufacturer of the morning after pill. Does it get any more apparent than this? Yet, according to the story, there are still "conservative" groups who say, yea well, Mitt Romney is still our guy because anyone will be better than Obama. When is the average Joe citizen going to realize that we have been had, that there is only one power in control, and it is not friendly to us, to say the least!
The following article is from
lifesitenews.com, to whom I give great credit for even publishing this story. As stated in the article, conservative blogs have generally kept their head in the sand and continue to repeat the the mantra, "Anyone but Obama." They are all in for a rude awakening if Romney is elected.
Mitt Romney holds fundraiser with manufacturer of Morning After Pill
by Ben Johnson
MIAMI, FLORIDA, May 17, 2012, (
LifeSiteNews.com) –
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney scheduled a $50,000-a-plate fundraiser at the home of Phil Frost, the executive of the company that makes the Morning After Pill, on Wednesday night. Plan B One-Step is produced by Teva Pharmaceuticals, Frost’s company.
The pharmaceutical executive’s residence was one of several stops scheduled to increase Romney’s war chest during a two-day swing through Florida.
“It’s a huge disappointment,” Brian Camenker, director of the Massachusetts-based pro-family organization MassResistance told LifeSiteNews.com. “
You wouldn’t see someone who was really pro-life doing a fundraiser with somebody who helped the abortion industry.”
[It's a pretty good bet that someone opposed to abortion will not take money from people who destroy innocent, defenseless innocent life. And anyone who tells you otherwise is either living in a fool's paradise or lying to you.]
Brian Burch, president of
CatholicVote.org, didn't seem troubled by the fundraiser saying, “What matters is whether a President Romney will end all taxpayer support for abortion-inducing drugs, repeal unconstitutional mandates that force private institutions to cover such drugs, and whether he will make progress in building a culture of life.”
[I have always like catholicvote.org, but they need to wise up. Why do these people continue supporting Romney who has made his views very clear. This is the same man who, as governor of Massachusetts, signed into law a provision (as stated below) that forced Catholic hospitals in that state to administer emergency contraception to rape victims.]
Despite repeated media denials that Plan B is an abortion-inducing drug, the
manufacturer’s website admits Plan B “may inhibit implantation” of an embryo after conception “by altering the endometrium.” Federal health officials have made the same determination. Studies have linked its use to increased STDs and ectopic pregnancies.
Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance told The Daily Caller she hoped Romney would return the money. The event made her “question if Gov. Romney has a clear understanding of what it means to be pro-life.”
[C'mon, just look at his past record! Stop kidding yourself. Look at this video and you will know all you need to know.]
Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul did not respond to a request from Bloomberg News about the visit.
Aside from a few scattered voices, the pro-life movement has been largely silent. The Christian Science Monitor noted,
“By Wednesday, there wasn’t much chatter in the conservative blogosphere about the fundraiser.” [Why are conservatives refusing to look at this issue? Why don't they just admit that they have been had - Mitt Romney is just as liberal and pro choice in his views as Barack Obama. In 2002, Romney pledged his support for Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that protects women's choice, for laws protecting the safety of abortion clinics, for increased access to the morning-after pill and for late-term abortions when the mother's health is at risk. Romney also indicated that he supported the "state funding of abortion services through Medicaid for low-income women." We have been given no choice between these two candidates!]
That dichotomy works to Romney’s advantage – and the pro-life movement’s downfall, Camenker warned.
Romney is in the advantageous position of running against Obama, Camenker told LifeSiteNews, and that will solidify pro-life support behind him “because nothing he does is going to be as bad as Obama.” [Think again!]
As governor of Massachusetts, Romney vetoed a bill providing Plan B over-the-counter and requiring hospitals to furnish it. The legislature overrode his veto – unanimously in the state senate. Subsequently,
Romney ordered Catholic hospitals to offer the Morning After Pill on the legal advice of his personal counsel, Mark D. Nielsen, although many legal experts felt he had no legal obligation to do so. [As I stated above.]
"I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose and am
devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard."
Mitt Romney, 2002 |
Facing social conservative Rick Santorum in the primaries,
Romney pledged to “get rid of” Planned Parenthood and protect the conscience rights of healthcare providers who oppose distributing what he called “abortive pills,” such as Plan B. The fundraiser did not indicate a change in position on those issues. [Does any sane person think that the manufacturer of Plan B would hold a fund raiser for Romney if the candidate was truly committed to puting him out of business? This has to be something out of the Twilight Zone!]
However, pro-family advocates liken it to the governor’s longstanding opposition to same-sex “marriage” (although not civil unions).
Several prominent Romney donors support same-sex “marriage” and exercise far greater influence than conservatives. [Is this a surprise to anyone? This is the same candidate whose preference is that "we ... continue to define marriage as the relationship between a man and a woman". This is also the same candidate who thinks there is nothing wrong with homosexual couples adopting children.]
Romney attended at least five fundraisers in southern Florida Wednesday and Thursday, which are expected to raise $5-8 million for his campaign.
As I have stated, our salvation does not lie in politics. The world has been given over to Satan, and he is in power, no matter who is the face of that power. Our only salvation will be found on our knees. The Catholic Church, the ark of salvation, must do what she has been commanded to do or evil will increase even more.
Credit for the following video to