We are about to enter into the holiest time of the Catholic year: Lent. But what makes it such a holy time?
Most people view Lent as basically a time to give up something that you really like, such as chocolate or alcohol. The Internet abounds with ideas for Lent, some pretty silly, and other more serious ideas. There is even a website entitled, whattogiveupforlent.com. It has some interesting ideas on what to give up for Lent, e.g.:
- Television (or certain shows)
- The radio (all the time, certain time of day, etc.)
- Favorite foods (pizza, ice cream, etc.)
- Eating out
- Alcohol
- Soft drinks/caffeine/coffee
- Smoking
- Clutter
- Debt (using credit cards)
- Certain books/magazines (read ones that will help you grow spiritually)
- Social Media sites (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc.)
- Computer use/blogging