Monday, May 25, 2020

If You Are A Conservative, You Probably Aren't Christian

The dictionary definition of a conservative is: "a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics."

A conservative is someone who wants to preserve the status quo.  New or innovative ways and beliefs are evil and must be resisted.   Conservatives live their lives by looking in the rear view mirror.  A Conservative's goal in life is to preserve his way of life at all costs, no matter the effect upon others.

Conservatives never doubt themselves or their beliefs.  They know they are on the side of everything good and sacred and therefore, anyone who disagrees with them is not only wrong but evil.  Since they "know" their opponents are evil, they have no problem doing whatever is necessary to silence dissenting voices.

In religious circles, conservatives are called fundamentalists.  Fundamentalists are motivated by the belief that they have a direct line to God, and therefore to disagree with them is to disagree with God Himself.  And because they are so close to God, they believe they have not only a right but a duty to resist and fight against their enemies.

Conservatives view their world with rose colored glasses.  They see everything in their world as perfect, in no need of change or correction. The only correction that needs to be made is to those who disagree.  As GK Chesterton said:
The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.
Conservatives also live their lives in fear and anger. They are fearful of anyone and anything that challenges their world.  Because of their inability to do any introspective thinking, they lash out with hatred and scorn at those who threaten to upset their worlds.

Nothing has made this more apparent than the reaction of conservatives to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of reacting to the great suffering and death caused by this pandemic with compassion and empathy, we have seen only anger and hate. But it is not the disease that has upset them. Conservatives don't blame the disease, which many claim is a hoax. They blame those trying to control the disease.

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