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Joseph Biden receiving communion at St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City |
Michael Voris, who has appointed himself the bulldog of the Catholic Church, did a "special report" concerning this incident on his website. He titled this report, "Dolan and the Dolanites," and basically declared war on Cardinal Dolan. You can watch this report here.
Voris described the incident in a very condemning tone:
What a fantastic way for a Prince of the Church to begin Holy Week .. to deliver Jesus into the hands of Judas.
That is exactly what happened in St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Palm Sunday as anti-Catholic pro-abortion pro same-sex marriage US Vice President Joe Biden strolled up the aisle and received the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ right under the nose and with full knowledge of Cardinal Timothy Dolan.Strip away all the harsh rhetoric and these statements do represent the facts. I do agree, of course, that pro-abortion, pro-same sex marriage and in essence, anti-Catholic Catholic politicians like Joe Biden should not be receiving communion. However, that is where my agreement with Michael Voris ends. At the risk of being labeled a Dolanite by Voris and all who support him (are they "Vorisites"?), I believe Voris has gone way over the line in this video in attacking Timothy Cardinal Dolan and basically telling any Catholic who will listen that we need to jettison Cardinal Dolan out of the Church, along with anyone who dares to support him.
Pope Francis greeting US Vice President Joseph Biden |
We don't know what Vice President Biden and Cardinal Dolan talked about after the Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral, but it could have very well been Cardinal Dolan's displeasure with Biden for presenting himself for communion both at the Mass at St. Patrick's and the Installation Mass, and Cardinal Dolan could have given him a very strong rebuke. We don't know and we won't know. Neither Cardinal Dolan nor Biden are talking. But a statement Cardinal Dolan once made to a reporter in which he said that he prefers to try to persuade rather than impose sanctions by withholding communion from a pro-abortion politician, could give us a hint about the conversation he had with Mr. Biden.
After describing the incident in his own terms, Voris then made an ad hominem attack on Cardinal Dolan, one of many in this "special report":
Cardinal Dolan who apparently never misses the opportunity to publicly associate himself with the rich and powerful of the world .. gave Biden a big shout out from the altar.
So much for following Pope Francis’s example of detaching from the rich and powerful and associating with the poor. There was no shout out for the homeless guy in the back bench.
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Cardinal Dolan distributing meals to the homeless |
Cardinal Dolan has also not hesitated to speak out in defense of the unborn and in the presence of pro abortion politicians. Here is an excerpt of a description of Cardinal Dolan's homily at his installation Mass in St. Patrick's as reported by Fr. Joseph F. Lorenzo, O.F.M., of the Church of St. Anthony of Padua in New York:
Later on in his homily there was an exhilarating and somewhat embarrassing moment. Archbishop Dolan reiterated the church’s traditional stand concerning human life by quoting Cardinal Terrance Cooke, who said: "Human life is no less sacred or worthy of respect because it is tiny, pre-born, poor, sick, fragile, or handicapped."You can read Father Joe's entire report here. One other comment Father Joe made was: "Archbishop Dolan again greeted people outside of the Cathedral, and stopped to talk to people on the street before heading back to the residence." So much for associating only with the "rich and powerful."
Archbishop Dolan went on to say, “Yes, the Church is a loving mother who has a zest for life and serves life everywhere, but she can become a protective "mamma bear" when the life of her innocent, helpless cubs is threatened.” The congregation erupted, first in applause and cheers, and then standing. I think every eye in the Cathedral was on the pro-abortion politicians in the front pew, who, at first, sat there, kind of stunned, and then eventually stood up without applauding. It was truly something everyone will remember for a long time.
Back to Voris. He then coined a term, "Dolanism", to describe Cardinal Dolan and those who support him, a term which I hope will not catch on anywhere, as Voris basically accused Cardinal Dolan of apostasy:
And it’s good in one way that this happened. The lines are finally being drawn publicly and the quiet battle going on between bishops about giving Jesus Christ to murderous politicians is finally at last on show for the world to see.
What Cardinal Dolan did is a disgrace. Call this constant pandering Dolanism. There is no other way to say it. Dolanism .. the subordination of the Catholic faith to the prevailing cultural mores.
And whatever the Dolan loving quasi-conservative establishment crowd in the Church wants to say simply cannot erase this. Call them the Dolanites.Later on in the video, Michael even uses the words "beyond disgusting and reprehensible" to describe Cardinal Dolan's actions. Voris goes on to tell those who support Cardinal Dolan:
You breathe one word in defense of his actions and you sacrifice ANYTHING you ever say about the pro-life cause again! Don’t show up at pro-life functions. Don’t write articles, give guest appearances .. appear on stage .. jump on the radio or television airwaves. Nothing.How does Michael Voris know what was going on behind the scenes? As I stated, just one week prior to this Biden had received communion at the Installation Mass for Pope Francis. No one from the Vatican or anywhere else tried to stop Biden at that time. Does anyone wonder why?
Cardinal Dolan is the top bishop in the United States. He is the archbishop of the largest archdiocese in the United States and the head of the US Bishops Conference. Could it be that he may have been instructed by someone in the Vatican to do exactly as he did, to invite Biden to Mass at St. Patrick's, not make a scene if Biden presented himself for communion, and then give him a strong rebuke afterwards? We know for a fact that Cardinal Dolan is very pro life and against same sex marriage. Do we really believe, as Voris says, that he would sacrifice his beliefs just to hobnob with the rich and famous?
Voris then goes on to present a litany of what he perceives to be Cardinal Dolan's faults and failings, starting with a Re-dedication Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church in New York in 2010. St. Francis Xavier Church admittedly is very friendly and welcoming to homosexuals, and I would even say that they are "too welcoming" of homosexuals. This is what Michael Voris says about that Mass:
In the summer of 2010 .. he sent shock waves around the United States and beyond by openly cheering a gay club that was introduced to him during Mass at the notorious St. Francis Xavier parish in New York .. a parish widely known for its no holds barred gay liturgies and functions.Below is a Youtube video of a report on this Mass, excerpts of which ran without the audio behind Michael Voris as he spoke in this "special report". At 5:30 to 6:00 in the video, you will see the "Catholic Lesbian Group" and "Gay Catholics Men Group" being introduced. The camera is focused on Cardinal Dolan who looks very serious. His face lightens up considerably when the speaker says, "These groups helped LGBT Catholics return to the sacraments and find an adult place in the Church of their youth." That is what Cardinal Dolan was "cheering", the fact that these men and women had returned to the sacraments, which would imply that they have left their sinful lifestyle. Right after this we see Cardinal Edward Egan, former archbishop of New York, praising St. Francis Xavier Church. Why doesn't Voris attack Cardinal Egan as well?
Michael Voris also doesn't tell us that just one week after Cardinal Dolan was "cheering a gay club" as Voris describes it, His Eminence disciplined this same church when he became the first New York prelate in 12 years to forbid them to carry the banner of the church in the notorious New York City Gay Pride Parade. You can read that story here. So please, Michael, stop with the implication that Cardinal Dolan supports sexually active homosexuals in the Church, because it just ain't so.
Voris then brings up Cardinal Dolan's reaction to same sex marriage being made law here in New York. From Voris:
Then a short while later .. he barely lifted a finger to fight .. or even speak out about gay marriage becoming law in New York."He barely lifted a finger to fight or even speak about gay marriage becoming law in New York," No, Michael, this is not true. Shortly before the bill was passed in New York, then Archbishop Dolan called into a local radio show to say that the "proposed legislation posed an 'ominous threat' to society" according to an article on a New York Times blog which you can read here. According to this article:
After it passed he conveniently blamed the church’s advisors who he claimed had given him and his fellow NY bishops “bad advice”. Meanwhile .. somehow .. the entire rest of the country knew same-sex marriage was going to become law in New York.
Immediately following the midnight passage of same-sex marriage by the New York state legislature .. Dolan was mute from the pulpit the following Sunday .. saying nothing at all about it .. but did find time with the New York press crops after Mass to apologize to gays and lesbians whose feelings might have been hurt by the Church
Archbishop Dolan, speaking on Fredric U. Dicker’s radio program on WGDJ-AM (1300), repeatedly made it clear that he strongly opposed gay marriage, which he called “unjust and immoral,” “detrimental for the common good” and “a violation of what we consider the natural law that’s embedded in every man and woman.”
Acknowledging that supporters of same-sex marriage need just one more vote to prevail in the Senate, Archbishop Dolan said that “we are still working for the defeat of this bill,” but that “we’re realistic to know the forces pushing this are very strong, they’re well oiled, they’re well financed.” However, he said: “It’s not a done deal. There is a good chance that this is not going to pass this year.”
Archbishop Dolan argued that the passage of same-sex marriage in other states and countries had at times led to problems for clergy and religious organizations who remained in opposition. “You’ve got couples now in England who are now told they can’t adopt children because they’re not open to same-sex marriage,” he said.
Archbishop Dolan also rued what he called “the presumptive omnipotence of the state” in considering allowing gays to marry, and decried a “new religion of secularism that feels it’s going to come to a theocracy and impose its values on society.”As can be seen from this article, although Cardinal Dolan was his usual optimistic self that the bill could be defeated, he was also very realistic in saying that there were "strong forces" pushing for passage of the bill. Also, according to this article, His Eminence was not able to be in Albany at that time because he was in Seattle for a bishops conference, but he sent Brooklyn's Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio to Albany to fight the bill that was being voted on at that time.
I have written about this myself, very upset with Cardinal Dolan's seeming lack of resistance to this legislation. However, as shown here, Cardinal Dolan was strongly opposed to this bill and did not hesitate to voice his opinions in the media. But Michael Voris either is not aware of this fact or conveniently leaves it out of his "special report."
Voris may not feel that Cardinal Dolan is vehement enough in his opposition to homosexuality and same sex marriage, but the homosexual community does not share that opinion. Here are excerpts from a post from thenewcivilrightsmovement.com in regard to Cardinal Dolan's closing prayer at the Democratic National Convention in 2012. The article is entitled, "Archbishop Timothy Dolan’s Ugly Assault On Gay Marriage In Prayer While Guest Of DNC":
Archbishop Timothy Dolan last night launched an attack on same-sex marriage equality and abortion in his closing prayer while an “invited” guest in the Democrats’ home, the Democratic National Convention. Yes, Dolan, who initially had offered himself to deliver the opening prayer to both the Republican and the Democrats, but was gently rebuffed by the DNC, settled for delivering the closing benediction at last night’s ceremonies.
. . .
Dolan’s “happiness is found only in respecting the laws of nature and of nature’s God,” is his way of calling gay people “unnatural” and in violation of “the laws of nature and of nature’s God.” Then, to pound his point home, Dolan adds “resist the temptation,” (which is always code for “pray away the gay,”) “to remake those institutions you have given us for the nurturing of life and community,” which is code for “no gay marriage!”
Democrats had just spent the better part of a week approving language supporting same-sex marriage equality in their platform, along with supporting a woman’s right to choose, but Dolan saw fit to be not only a bad guest, but a forced guest in what was home to a celebration of women, the LGBT community, and minorities the likes of which America has never before seen on a national stage.As can be seen above in the reaction of homosexuals to Cardinal Dolan's prayer at the DNC, Cardinal Dolan is not only unafraid to defend the Church's teachings, he goes right into the belly of the beast, as he did at the Democratic National Convention. Here is my post praising Cardinal Dolan for the prayers he gave at the Republican and Democratic conventions.
The next point in Voris' litany:
He sat on a network news show on Thanksgiving two years ago and .. in reference to God and giving him thanks he said .. “he .. or she or whatever your belief is.”I saw this program, and was upset by it also. It was not the best choice of words by His Eminence, but let's face it, we live in a pluralistic society that sees God in many different ways. That is what Cardinal Dolan was speaking to. Even Michael Voris cannot honestly think or imply that Cardinal Dolan sees God as anything less than the Holy Trinity. What was the purpose of bringing this up? It only proves that Cardinal Dolan makes mistakes in his choice of words. It does not prove that he is not a strong defender of the faith.
Next from Voris:
In April .. he told the Wall Street Journal that he and his fellow bishops did not preach what they should have preached about the Church’s sexual teachings because they were – his words now – gun shy. Based on the deafening lack of NOW issuing those teachings – apparently he still is.I wrote about this article last April, applauding the Cardinal for making this heartfelt admission. You can read my post here. Michael Voris is being totally disingenuous with his statement, "Based on the deafening lack of NOW issuing those teachings - apparently he still is." Cardinal Dolan has been up front and center in defending the teachings of the Church. Voris is twisting facts to suit his own arguments, and doing a great disservice to Cardinal Dolan and more importantly, to Voris' own listeners, many of whom hang on his every word and take it as gospel truth.
The next charge by Voris:
Two years ago .. he stood in front of annual Knights of Columbus dinner in Denver and openly mocked the idea that there was a crisis in the Church. He was cheered loudly by the Dolanites.I have looked this up, and although I find references to Cardinal Dolan's speech, I cannot find the speech itself, so I can't answer this charge. But since it has been shown that Voris tends to skew his facts, I have to wonder about the truthfulness of this statement and the context in which it was made. I guarantee you that Michael Voris will never tell us.
Of course, no criticism of Cardinal Dolan would be complete without reference to the Al Smith dinner in which he invited President Obama.
Then there was the beyond the pale invitation of child-killer in chief Obama to the Al Smith dinner a couple of weeks before the presidential election where tens of thousands of Catholics all over America begged and pleaded with him to rescind the invitation and where he offered in his defense a comparison of his actions to Our Blessed Lord.I was definitely among those voices calling for Cardinal Dolan to withdraw his invitation to President Obama. I admit that I still think it was a mistake. As I posted shortly before the dinner, it was reported that even Cardinal Dolan was having second thoughts about this decision. You can read this here. But do we follow the lead of Michael Voris and just throw Cardinal Dolan over and claim he is not fit for the job, or do we pray that His Eminence will learn from this mistake and realize that there are enemies of the Church who must be recognized and treated as such. Personally, I think Cardinal Dolan did learn from this mistake, and I don't think it will be repeated.
The next in Voris' litany:
Then there is the history before his time in New York .. where he slapped on a cheesehead .. yep .. an NFL Green Bay Packer cheesehead at his installation Mass as archbishop of Milwaukee.
None other than Father John Zuhlsdorf has defended Cardinal Dolan in this action. Yes, the same Father Z who was all set to go with Michael Voris on a Lenten cruise until the papal conclave got in the way. From Father Z in a post entitled, "I want to put a stop to something":
Back in 2002, right after he arrived in Milwaukee, the new Archbishop, very aware of the relationship people in Wisconsin have with the Green Bay Packers, momentarily put on a ‘cheesehead’ hat at the beginning of his sermon time.
He did not say Mass wearing a ‘cheesehead’ hat.
Should he have done that? I wouldn’t have. To my mind it was infra dignitatem, both for the moment, the congregation and his person.
But I am not the brand new Archbishop of Milwaukee, just arrived after years and years of mismanagement under Weakland and the scandal at the end. Facing these circumstances, he made a decision at the moment to brighten the atmosphere in a time of pain and uncertainty. It is hard to fault his reasoning.
One lives and one learns.
Even bishops have to have some on the job training. They must learn from reactions to their decisions. They make mistakes and hopefully, with grace, grow in their ministry.
So if you are really upset about the ‘cheesehead’ hat thing, I suggest that you cast your first rock at yourself.
Unless of course you have never made a mistake you eventually learned from.
Good luck to Archbishop Dolan! He’ll need both luck and prayers.Thank you, Father Z. 'Nuff said on this one.
Voris then complains about Cardinal Dolan's "incessant carrying on about joy and laughter."
And then there is the incessant carrying on about joy and laughter .. well do forgive some of us Your Eminence if we find it hard to extricate the joy out of a situation where you are aiding in a sacrilege in your own cathedral.
And for the record .. there are many of who believe that Jesus Christ is not amused as you participate in the profaning of the body and blood of Our Lord.
Joy and laughter? Voris is actually criticizing and condemning a prelate of the Church for "too much joy and laughter"? Did I miss something or is there a canon law against laughing? I agree that there is nothing funny about profaning our Lord, but again, I must repeat that we don't know what is going on behind the scenes, and why no one tried to stopped Biden at the Pope's installation Mass, either. We also know that Cardinal Dolan is not afraid to step up to the plate to defend church teachings, despite Voris' accusations. We have to stop being so quick to sit in as judge and juror.
Then Voris gets into matters which are nothing more than hearsay. If Voris was trying to admit these facts into court, they would immediately be thrown out.
From Voris:
Voris' next statement is completely out of bounds:
Then Voris gets into matters which are nothing more than hearsay. If Voris was trying to admit these facts into court, they would immediately be thrown out.
From Voris:
It is a well known issue in the Archdiocese of New York that Cardinal Dolan has no qualms whatsoever about flexing his mighty ecclesiastical muscle in private against his priests who want to say the Traditional Latin Mass.Oh really? Is that why the Traditional Latin Mass is so easily accessible in the New York Archdiocese? "Una Voce Westchester" is a traditional group devoted to the Latin Mass. Una Voce has groups throughout the United States. On their website they have posted the following, which you can see here:
The traditional Latin Mass is offered every Sunday at 3:00 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Church in Sleepy Hollow. Una Voce Westchester offers its thanks to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, the Most Reverend Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York, and Monsignor Louis Mazza, Pastor.Doesn't sound like Cardinal Dolan is fighting them on the Latin Mass.
Voris' next statement is completely out of bounds:
His well known and much feared .. but little talked-about-openly angry temper is vented with all its fury on such priests. They are threatened and brow beaten by him personally .. made to feel the lowest of the low .. all for offering the ancient Mass .. again in disobedience to the wishes of Pope Benedict.
His Eminence might be well served to vent that temper which is well known to New York Archdiocese insiders against fake Catholic politicians.Voris gives nothing to back up this libelous statement. He is smearing the character of a prelate of the Catholic Church with no evidence whatsoever. Voris not only needs to apologize for this outrageous statement, but he needs to take it into the confessional as well. This is gossip, pure and simple, and this is what our Holy Father, Pope Francis, recently said in regard to gossip:
“When we prefer to gossip, gossip about others, criticize others- these are everyday things that happen to everyone, including me – these are the temptations of the evil one who does not want the Spirit to come to us and bring about peace and meekness in the Christian community."
Who is Michael Voris really serving when he makes such slanderous statements? I'm sure he thinks he is serving God, but maybe he needs to think about it a little more.
Voris sums up this "special report" with these harshly critical statements which skirt the truth at best:
Who could seriously look at Cardinal Dolan and even entertain the thought that this man is serious about the Faith. He puts on a cheesehead during Mass. He defies canon law along with many of his brother bishops .. a majority of whom elected him to the head of their bishops’ conference.
He scandalizes the faithful by continued association with murderous politicians who in addition to spilling the blood of innocents have aimed their guns at the Church herself.
He further scandalizes the faithful by aiding and abetting in sacrilege. What exactly does he not understand? How is any of this defensible by anyone in the Church?
Cardinal Dolan is quickly becoming the poster boy for all that is wrong with Church leadership these days – an almost wistful disregard for the solemnity of the Mass .. a refusal to buck the trends of a secularist culture not by filing lawsuits claiming infringement on legal rights .. but by announcing the EVIL of the object of the law itself.
Dolanism .. the subordination of the Catholic faith to the prevailing cultural mores.Why does Michael Voris think he has a right to sit in judgment of arguably the most preeminent bishop of the United States? I think Michael Voris is stating exactly how he feels, but he is not serving the Church by putting out such scandalous statements. And yes, I do label them as scandalous because they cause division both inside and outside the Church.
If you do a web search, you will find many Catholics who are cheering Michael Voris and his slander of Cardinal Dolan. Here are just a couple of reactions:
"Thank God for the courageous and honest analysis of Michael Voris and ChurchMilitant.TV" http://philotheaonphire.blogspot.com
"This report is not "bishop-bashing"; it is an act of charity." freerepublic.com
"I have been saying many of these things about Cardinal Dolan for quite some time now. He is not the answer." http://makingthingsvisible.blogspot.com
"The Cardinal Dolan cheerleaders and fan club need to re-think everything." http://johnlaws.wordpress.comAnd how is this being perceived outside of the Church? This is from an Anglican blog called Reformed Anglicanism which shows the dangerous consequences from Catholics attacking Catholics, especially the leaders of the Church:
If you are a Roman Catholic who disagrees with Voris, you are a "Dolanite." Ironically, Voris' own bishop has forbidden him from using the term "Catholic" to describe his own activities.
Voris tries to appeal to Pope Francis' supposedly hard line against pro-abortion politicians, but Biden was also given communion at Pope Francis' inaugural mass together with Nancy Pelosi.
And the folks at "Called to Communion" want me to join this communion with the supposed benefit being visible unity? No thanks.Timothy Cardinal Dolan is not perfect. He makes mistakes. But so do all of us, even Michael Voris, although he never seems to admit to any. When I was still a "Vorisite", I had the same kind of judgmental attitude displayed in this "special report", and this judgmental attitude unfortunately shows in many of my past posts, especially those concerning Cardinal Dolan. Michael Voris and I and all other Catholics need to heed the words of St. Paul from Galatians 5:15: "But if you bite and devour one another; take heed you be not consumed one of another."
Michael Voris' main shtick is attacking the Church. What? Michael Voris, self proclaimed loyal Catholic to the death, attacks the Catholic Church? He most definitely has some very good Catholic teaching on his website, and says beautiful things about the Catholic Church. But what good is that when he, in effect, sets about to destroy loyalty and unity in the Church by presenting slanted, one-side "special reports" as we see here. He seems to feel no qualms whatsoever about attacking the ordained leaders of the church and calling them out as apostates and heretics. And as can be seen from this post, he tells the truth very selectively. He is excellent at what he does, unfortunately, and has seduced many good Catholics (including yours truly) into following his lead, which is basically pitting the laity against the authority of the Church.
These are undoubtedly some of the main reasons why the bishop of Detroit, Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron, forced Voris to remove the word "Catholic" from his organization. At the time, I thought this was nothing more than persecution. I sadly realize now that Archbishop Vigneron was absolutely correct in his decision.
As I have stated before, we live in very evil times, and the Catholic Church is under major assault. Cardinal Dolan and the other prelates of the Catholic Church are not just another guy in the pew. They have been specially ordained to lead the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. They deserve respect, and even more importantly, they deserve and need our prayer. They are on the front lines of the church and are being constantly attacked, both by the physical world and the spiritual world. We need to prayerfully support and stand behind them, and unless it's a matter of blatant and unequivocal apostasy, we shouldn't be going on the worldwide internet to denounce them and stand as their judge and juror. I am saying this to myself as much as to anyone else because I have most definitely been guilty of this. We should certainly not be listening to and supporting spurious attacks such as this one by Michael Voris.
Always look at the entire picture, and don't let others tell you what to think. "Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves." People have a way of painting the truth to fit their point of view, and it can be very misleading.
Your (very wordy) post is full of so many inaccuracies it's hard to know where to begin. But here goes:
ReplyDelete1. Abp. Vigneron never "forced" Voris to remove the word Catholic from his apostolate. What you've stated is false. The archdiocese never had jurisdiction over RealCatholicTV.com (and they were made aware of this fact years ago), whose domain name was owned by a man in the South Bend, IN diocese under Bp. Kevin Rhoades. The Vicar General of the South Bend diocese, who is a canon lawyer, acknowledged this fact. The Archdiocese of Detroit has never once claimed that Voris's apostolate teaches things contrary to the Faith. Even so, Voris chose to change the name to ChurchMilitant.TV anyway, not out of lack of obedience, but from an *excess* of obedience--he did not have to. You have come to the absolutely certain conclusion that this had nothing to do with persecution in the diocese. Well, you have no idea what has gone on in that diocese, nor what Voris has had to deal with behind the scenes over the years, do you? So how can you come to that conclusion when you don't even know the facts? I am someone who does know the facts, and I can tell you that you are wrong.
2.The one ordained priest in the NYC archdiocese last year chose as his first Mass to offer the Traditional Latin Mass--and was excoriated by Cdl. Dolan for that. This is what Voris was referring to.
3. What Voris reports about Cdl Dolan's temper comes from direct accounts from insiders in the archdiocese who have witnessed it firsthand. The point is not to gossip, but to highlight the double standard Cdl. Dolan applies when he prefers to "dialogue" with pro-abort politicians & gay activists while having no problem flexing his episcopal muscles towards those with an attachment to the TLM.
4. The reason Voris did not mention Biden's sacrilegious communion in Rome is because Pope Francis cannot be faulted for that; there were over 130 heads of state from all over the world. Even though as American Catholics we all know who Biden is and where he stands, there is no reason to think the two deacons offering communion to these 130+ heads of state in Rome should know the public political stance of each head of state, what their relationship is to their diocesan bishops, and whether or not they have been reconciled. Cdl. Dolan, on the other hand, has absolutely no excuse. He knew Biden was there, gave him a shout-out during Mass ("We welcome you with open arms!"), and knew he would likely approach the sacraments. Cdl. Dolan is in DIRECT DEFIANCE of Canon 915, which makes it clear (and Cdl Ratzinger made this clear in 2004, and Cdl Burke, chief canonist of the Church, has been consistent on this) that Holy Communion MUST be denied to pro-abort politicians like Biden. It is not optional. It is a requirement and a duty. But Dolan continually ignores and disobeys this canon, to the great scandal of the faithful and harm to souls. I don't see how you could possibly defend this action--and for you to speculate that "someone at the Vatican" directed Dolan to welcome Biden to make a SACRILEGIOUS communion is ridiculous and outrageous. Are you aware that Cdls Burke, Bruskewitz & Vasa all publicly stated that they would all deny communion to Biden if he ever came to their diocese? They were acting in obedience to Canon 915--unlike Cdl. Dolan, who also refuses to apply Canon 915 to radically pro-abort Gov. Cuomo, divorced & living with his girlfriend. One seriously questions Dolan's commitment to the pro-life cause if he cannot even defend the Blessed Sacrament against such men.
ReplyDelete5. Cdl Dolan has done practically nothing to correct the situation at St. Francis Xavier in NY. He finally came around to forbidding them from carrying the parish name in the Gay Pride Parade--but that's about it. The pastor there (whom Dolan supports) has publicly stated he leaves it up to his parishioners' "conscience" whether or not to indulge in homosexual acts! The Courage apostolate is not welcome there, because that apostolate actually teaches--with the Catholic Church--that SSA is intrinsically disordered and that gays must live a chaste life and avoid sin. It is one thing to say you are against the homosexual lifestyle--it's another thing to back it up with actions--and on this front, we have seen precious little on the cardinal's part.
6. So one radio interview on one radio station is somehow evidence of appreciable resistence to NY same-sex legislation? Are you joking? As to the homosexual community, they are cheering the fact that Dolan seems to be "softening" his position towards gays (see the New Ways Ministry blog). You might also want to read this article by George Neumayr:
7. You wrote: "But since it has been shown that Voris tends to skew his facts, I have to wonder about the truthfulness of this statement and the context in which it was made. I guarantee you that Michael Voris will never tell us." Well, that is quite an accusation on your part. You essentially accuse Voris of being a liar--which he is not. If you feel comfortable accusing him of lying without giving any proof, then that's your conscience before God.
ReplyDelete8. You wrote, "Why does Michael Voris think he has a right to sit in judgment of arguably the most preeminent bishop of the United States?" This is clericalism on your part, pure and simmple. So just because Dolan has clout, one is not allowed to bring up concerns about scandalous behavior on his part? Dolan lost credibility to thousands & thousands of Catholics when he invited Obama to the Al Smith Dinner; the fact that he would knowingly preside over a sacrilegious communion is beyond the pale--and it is even worse that you would DEFEND this. This is the danger Dolan presents--a seemingly orthodox, powerful prelate sowing scandal and confusion in the Church, while the faithful, confused laity scramble to defend his behavior.
9. You wrote, "Michael Voris' main shtick is attacking the Church."
Pure falsehood. You are clearly unfamiliar with the vast body of Michael's work. If you were, you would never say this.
10. You wrote, "He seems to feel no qualms whatsoever about attacking the ordained leaders of the church and calling them out as apostates and heretics." False. Don't put words in his mouth to twist the truth. Give us one example where Voris has ever named a single bishop & called him "apostate" or "heretic."
And here is the hypocrisy all throughout your piece: you bend over backwards defending Cdl Dolan, even in his most indefensible actions, begging the audience to go to great lengths in giving the cardinal the benefit of the doubt--yet you do exactly the OPPOSITE with regard to Voris. You yourself twist the facts about Voris to make him appear as horrible as possible, do not in any way give him the benefit of the doubt, swiftly condemn him for a number of things over which you have little knowledge, and ask your readers to do the same. The charity you ask from Voris towards others is decidedly lacking on your part.
I will just end on your words, and apply them to your post: " People have a way of painting the truth to fit their point of view, and it can be very misleading."
Thanks for reading the entire post. I know it's a long one.
ReplyDeleteHere is the press release regarding Archdiocese of Detroit dated December 15, 2011:
"The Church encourages the Christian faithful to promote or sustain a variety of apostolic undertakings but, nevertheless, prohibits any such undertaking from claiming the name Catholic without the consent of the competent ecclesiastical authority (see canon 216 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law). For some time, the Archdiocese of Detroit has been in communication with Mr. Michael Voris and his media partner at Real Catholic TV regarding their prominent use of the word “Catholic” in identifying and promoting their public activities disseminated from the enterprise’s production facility in Ferndale, Michigan. The Archdiocese has informed Mr. Voris and Real Catholic TV, RealCatholicTV.com, that it does not regard them as being authorized to use the word “Catholic” to identify or promote their public activities. Questions about this matter may be directed to the Archdiocese of Detroit, Department of Communications.
So no, it wasn't Michael Voris' choice whether or not he was allowed to use the word "Catholic." The Archbishop strictly forbid it.
I have never heard that Cardinal Dolan castigated the newly ordained priest last year for saying the Latin Mass. I'm sure that would have been all over the internet, and I cannot find it anywhere.
"Insiders" talking is the definition of gossip.
I'm glad you're able to read Michael Voris' mind as to why he did not mention that Biden had just received communion in Rome at the Installation Mass which was filled with priests and bishops. However, I think you're just making assumptions here and really don't know why Voris didn't mention this.
As far as St. Francis Xavier is concerned, no bishop did anything about that situation before Cardinal Dolan. He is the only one who ever stepped in at any point. You saw on the video if you watched it that Cardinal Egan was praising this church. Do live you in NYC? How are you so aware of what is actually going on in this parish or this diocese?
You need to take a look at Cardinal Dolan's blog or just do a search on the internet. You will see many references to His Eminence speaking out against gay marriage. Voris made the implication that Dolan did nothing at the time of the bill signing against gay marriage, and that was emphatically not true.
If you can find anything on Cardinal Dolan's speech at the Knights of Columbus in Denver, I would appreciate it, because I can find practically nothing, and yes, because of Voris' other statements, I do tend to doubt him.
Our priests and bishops have been ordained by the Holy Spirit. They are not politicians who we can freely criticize and throw out of office when they don't live up to our standards. We need to take everything in prayer and be very careful of what we say in public because we don't know all the facts. As our Lord said, we will be judged by our every word, and this will be especially true in regard to those He has appointed in authority.
I have listened to Michael Voris for many years, and not that long ago I defended him as vociferously as you are now. But I cannot defend his constant attacking of Church authority.
Every point I made was backed up with links and facts, which is far more than I can say about Michael Voris' "special report."
"I'm glad you're able to read Michael Voris' mind..."
ReplyDeleteUnlike you, I have the benefit of knowing him and some of his closest friends personally. I am not reading anyone's mind. I trade only in facts.
Have you been privy to the private communications between Voris & the Detroit archdiocese over the years? I didn't think so. You really have no idea what has gone on, so while you make inaccurate assertions based on pure speculation, you help damage Voris's reputation. This is a fact: there have been progressive chancery officials in the Detroit archdiocese--long before Abp Vigneron was installed--who have persecuted Voris & his apostolate from the beginning. The previous bishop asked him to take "Catholic" out of two domain names that offered his content: catholictelevision.org and realcatholictv.com. In prompt obedience, he immediately removed the word "Catholic" from the first domain name because he owned that one. As to the other, he informed the archdiocese that he did not own that domain name, and therefore he did not have the power to change it--it is owned by a gentleman in South Bend, IN, whose jurisdiction falls under Bp. Rhoades. Bp. Rhoades expressed no problem with the content of RealCatholicTV.com, and never asked that the word "Catholic" be removed. Abp. Vigneron has NO JURISDICTION over the realcatholictv.com domain name, he has been informed of this by a canon lawyer, and therefore has no authority to order the gentleman in South Bend to remove the word "Catholic". The Vicar General of the South Bend archdiocese, who is a canon lawyer, concurs.
As to St. Francis Xavier, what Cdl. Dolan did is a start--but that's all it is, a start. The parish priest, who promotes heresy, who allows a "gay Catholics" and "Catholic lesbian" group to meet there (along with a Zen meditation group) remains in place & is even supported by Dolan. And did he actually mobilize forces to block the same-sex legislation in NY? What exactly did he DO--other than speak on the radio once and write a few blog posts? While Dolan talks the talk very well, we see little by way of action.
I happen to know that priests from the NY archdiocese have privately contacted Michael to thank him for his exposé on Dolan (this is also how he knows of the disparate treatment that priests attached to the TLM receive from Dolan). He gets hundreds of e-mails from priests and seminarians all over the world who express gratitude to him for his willingness to speak out against scandal, and who let him know what actually goes on within the diocese. Priests themselves are unable to be as frank as a layman like Voris; if they were, they'd be punished immediately.
Before you are quick to attack Michael for the so-called damage you perceive him to be doing to the Church, you should be aware that he has the full support of Cdl Burke in the Vatican and solidly orthodox Bishop Bruskewitz, among others. They also are grateful for his work and encourage him to continue it.
I don't fault you for your desire to protect Dolan and other respected prelates; it is only natural for laity to want to trust and support the hierarchy. But Dolan has gone much too far, people are too afraid to criticize him because he is so powerful, and Voris--as far as I know--is the only one willing to publicly go on record and call a spade a spade--all the while knowing the backlash he will receive from critics like you. It is par for the course.
God bless,
I am not protecting Cardinal Dolan, per se. I am saying that he is a Cardinal of the Catholic Church ordained by the Holy Spirit. He is not a politician subject to our whims and what we think is right and wrong. No one should be professionally engaged in outright public condemnation of Cardinal Dolan or any other clergy in the Church. That is not the role of the laity. We should follow the line of authority in the Church, and not take it to the worldwide web.
DeleteI am not "speculating" about anything. I merely quoted the press release from the Archdiocese of Detroit. It seems that your problem is not with me but with the Archdiocese. Well-known canon lawyer Ed Peters says that Detroit has jurisdiction. You can read his post here:
You can say whatever you want about Voris and his relationship with the Archdiocese of Detroit, but the press release in my previous comment says it all. Voris had no choice but to remove the word "Catholic" from his organization.
However, on the popular level ultramontanism has manifested itself in the cult of the person of the Pope (and sometimes cardinals bishops), which hardly existed before Pius IX, but is still very much with us today. In the nineteenth century the enemies of the Ultramontanes were the Liberal Catholics; the Ultramontanes of today, who abide loyally by all the decisions of the Papacy, rejecting criticism and even discussion of any of them, are opposed not only by the heirs to the Liberal Catholic tradition, but also by the Traditionalists. Fully aware of the consequences of their action, traditionalist Catholics feel bound in conscience to criticize certain aspects of the Second Vatican Council and to reject the official and unofficial liturgical and theological reforms that ostensibly issued from it.
DeleteTo the Ultramontane mind, which is also the mind of the Popes of our day, one cannot adopt the traditionalist stance and remain authentically Catholic. It is often not appreciated that in the discussions preceding the dogmatic formulations of the First Vatican Council, Pius IX strongly favoured the interpretation of Papal Infallibility as meaning Papal inerrancy in matters of Church discipline as well as in dogmatic definitions, an exaggerated claim at odds with the teaching of the Church. But when – so the story goes – Fr. Guidi, Superior General of the Dominicans, pointed out to the Pope that his idea of Papal infallibility was against Tradition, Pius IX angrily reminded him that "La tradizione son’io!" – ‘I am Tradition’, a symptom of Papal megalomania providentially checked by the Holy Ghost.48
Unfortunately, there is ample evidence today that the modern Popes consider themselves the infallible arbiters of disciplinary, moral theology and liturgical tradition rather than its respectful custodians.
Dr. Ed Peters is on the Detroit Archdiocese's payroll. I doubt he is the most unbiased voice in this debate. Dr. Peters is also the one who justified Cdl Wuerl's shameful treatment of Fr. Guarnizo last year, who acted to protect the Sacrament from a practicing lesbian Buddhist. For all his smarts, Peters is not the most reliable voice.
ReplyDeleteIn any case, other canon lawyers have disagreed with Dr. Peters on the matter of jurisdiction. But the point is now moot--they have changed their name.
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops like bishops, and your religious act like religious.”~Ven. Fulton Sheen, 1972
Okay, Christine, now you've gone too far. You will impugn anyone in order to defend Michael Voris.
DeleteI posted several times about Father Guarnizo last year, and I also thought he was treated unfairly. But everything Cardinal Wuerl did was according to canon law, and that is all Dr. Peters is concerned about, and all he is writing about. He is not stating his opinion as you and I would.
I have also posted this quote from Venerable Fulton Sheen, but I believe he was talking about praying for the hierarchy and going through the regular channels of authority in the Church. I don't believe for one second he would agree to people going on the worldwide web and condemning priests and cardinals, especially by only giving partial truths, which is exactly what Michael Voris has done. In all of Bishop Sheen's talks and writings, he never once castigated or condemned a fellow clergy by name. I have no doubt he talked to many in private and took many of their causes to our Lord. But he never took it to the public.
I'm afraid I'm going to have go consider you a troll from this point, Christine. It is obvious you will say anything to defend Michael Voris. You are not doing him or anyone else any favors.
Good bye.
Sorry I am late to read this. Catholic in Brooklyn - you did your homework and I congratulate you for a job well done. As you know from reading my blog I have supported Voris in some things in the past - but this attack on Dolan and those who support the Cardinal is indefensible. I saw it on other blogs as well and I thought it unfair - we do not know or understand what goes on behind the scenes in these cases, or what the Cardinal may have discussed with the VP.
ReplyDeleteBefore the Conclave I said Dolan would never make a pope, but he is Cardinal Archbishop of NYC and deserves our respect. It is too bad Michael didn't discuss these issues with the Cardinal personally, or even send him the video before going public.
Thanks for your courage in posting this.
Thanks for your kind words, Terry. I myself have been very judgmental and harsh with Cardinal Dolan and others, and I have come to understand that this is nothing more than a tool of the devil. I hope Michael Voris comes to understand that as well.
DeleteIt's been a very long since I've checked in. I'm never disappointed when I do. Another well balanced, well researched and insightful post.
ReplyDeleteOur Lord and Savoir, Jesus Christ, deigns to build His visible Church on earth, the Body of Christ, with us it's sinful members. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, our Church is indefectible.
Michael Voris is always very careful not to attack the Pope directly so as not to appear in total schism, but does so indirectly through calumny against Bishops. The most disturbing thing about his tactics are not his calumny, which by and large is easy to discern by most Catholics of good conscience, but the cult of followers (a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also its body of adherents) that become attached to Michael Voris without the need of our Church as evidenced in the comments of one of his adherents above. Worse is his adherents belief that they and their leader are infallibly ritualistically purer than the leaders of our Church and now possess a supernatural gift of knowing the hearts and minds of those they consider ritualistically impure.
I for one am extremely grateful that the Bishops of our Church required St. Michael's media to drop the title RealCatholic(TM) for the protection of their flock. Although St. Michael's Media, under the guise of obedience and allegience appeared to obey, I don't think they really agree or believe.
May God continue to protect all Catholics of good conscience, through the actions of our Bishops, from the cult of believing we are perfect or RealCatholics(TM) without the need of our true Church now and forever.
What an offensive and utterly silly blog post. Voris was absolutely right-on in his analysis. This politically correct Brooklyn writer seems to operate with the m.o. of putting the most far-fetched and outlandishly positive spin on every single action of Dolan's, no matter how weak and/or treasonous.
ReplyDeleteCase in point: Voris says that Dolan did nothing to oppose gay marriage. This Brooklyn writer retorts that Dolan opposed gay marriage on a radio talk show and in a few blog posts. Good Lord! In what universe is that considered opposition worthy of the name?? Going on an Albany radio show and writing a few blog posts was a pathetic response to this abomination. PATHETIC! In the aftermath of the vote, did he excommunicate any of the politicians who voted for this? Of course not. Did he reprove them in any way? Of course not. Instead, he continues to lionize and honor pro-abortion and pro-gay politicians, such as he did with Biden.
Second point: contrary to canon law, Vatican directives, Eucharistic theology and basic common sense, Dolan not only gave Biden the Eucharist but lauded him from the pulpit. And this slavish Brooklyn writer responds with the laughable defense that "maybe Dolan later chastised Biden in private, so we shouldn't criticize him." My gosh, I thought Polyanna was just a fictional character!
Third- Voris says that Dolan seeks the company of the rich and powerful. This Brooklyn mouthpiece for Dolan counters that charge by saying that he has seen Dolan chat with normal folks after Mass and he was once seen distributing food to people on a breadline. You are very easily satisfied, my friend, if de rigeur small talk and a once-off photo-op convince you that Dolan is some sort of man of the people. He is so comfortable with his rich and powerful friends in politics and the media that he has done nothing to discomfit them or dissuade them from their evil.
You find Voris' criticism of Dolan's joviality outrageous. Well, I find Dolan's constant fatuous smile and ridiculous guffawing off-putting and offensive. He is presiding over a crumbling Church and the destruction of millions of souls who are being led astray while he does absolutely nothing, and yet he still goes around cackling and back-slapping like some old-fashioned Irish ward-heeler. What's wrong with being serious when you have a serious job and serious responsibilities and face a darned serious and even grim situation? He makes himself look ridiculous. Even politicians don't smile and laugh that much.
One can go on and on laughing at your defense of the indefensible. After all, the gay mafia still reigns supreme at St. Francis. What has Dolan done about it? Nothing. He told them that they couldn't march in the gay parade carrying the banner of the church. What did they do? In an act of passive-aggressive defiance, they simply turned the banner around. His response....?
As for the Latin Mass, you condemn Voris' remarks as hearsay. Obviously, they are second hand information, but you have no reason to condemn it as "hearsay". You think he just made it up? More likely, he got the info from New York priests who obviously can't be public about the situation. Just look at where and when the Latin Mass is celebrated in New York City. Except for 2 churches in midtown Manhattan, it is usually celebrated at odd times and in out of the way places. Scheduling the Latin Mass for 3pm on a Sunday or 7am on a Friday doesn't seem too friendly. One Mass in Queens is even held in a cemetery! Staten Island, a borough of 600,000 people, doesn't even have one.
The point is that for whatever reason you seem to take Dolan's blog posts and occasional orthodox remarks as proof of his fearless leadership and faithfulness. That's absurd. His sins of commission and omission override any pretty words he might say. Voris speaks the truth.
Do you ever pray for Cardinal Dolan?
DeleteDo you ever pray for the Latin Mass, which inspires orthodoxy, unlike the Mass you attend?
DeleteWhy not pray for both?
DeleteOF COURSE we pray for Dolan--every day, in fact, for fortitude and leadership. Do you really think honest critique and prayer for someone's well-being are mutually exclusive?
ReplyDelete"How can you think of saying, 'Friend, let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,' when you can't see past the log in your own eye? First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye" (Luke 6:42)
Delete"But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Beware of destroying one another." (Galatians 5:15)
"But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Beware of destroying one another." (Galatians 5:15)
DeleteThis is perfect for those bitter Novus Ordo Catholics who are always trying to destroy the proper Mass because it reminds them that they're vile heretics.
In the light of your last sentence, the scripture equally applies to you. Less judgement more charity, please!
DeleteMichael Voris is causing division and actual hatred against the hierarchy of the Church. He is now saying outright that the institutional Catholic Church is a fraud and we must fight against it. He is very, very dangerous to the faith of many tens of thousands of people.
DeleteIf you don't like the Catholic Church, then leave. But when you start attacking and trying to destroy her, you are doing the work of the devil.
It may be right and just to continuously educate on what the catechism says about mortal sin so as to aid others in understanding the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation of sins before God prior to CHOOSING to receive the Sacrament of Communion. The catechism is quite clear on what each individual must do prior to receiving the Sacrament of Communion. Therefore, it is not right and just to make a claim about another individual's worthiness to receive the Sacrament, or to say that they should be DENIED the sacrament, as if we are qualified to know what another has confessed before Almighty God.
ReplyDeleteYou say that Michael Voris is attacking the Church, but he is in fact attacking those who are engaged in the heresies of heterodoxy, relativism, moral relivatism, preference utilitarianism, situationism, donatism, pelagianism, and semi pelagianism. This is extremely different from 'attacking the Catholic Church'.
ReplyDeleteBasically it all boils down to this theological truth originally quoted by Peter Kreeft and this is what Michael Voris is trying to point out...
"You can’t repent if you don’t believe in sin to repent of, and you can’t believe in sin if you don’t believe in a real moral law, because sin means disobeying that. Moral relativism eliminates that law, thus sin thus repentance, thus salvation".
Blessed John Henry Newman in his 1879 biglietto speech. Described liberal Catholicism as the “great apostasia,”. He defined “the spirit of liberalism in religion” in the following terms:
“Liberalism in religion is the doctrine that there is no positive truth in religion, but that one creed is as good as another. . . . [it holds that] Revealed religion is not a truth, but a sentiment and a taste; not an objective fact, not miraculous; and it is the right of each individual to make it say just what strikes his fancy.”
Blessed John Henry Newman would have approved of Michael Voris because he himself in fact stated that those who were in a state of apostasy should be challenged.
Giving communion to pro-abortion politicians is expressly dissenting against church teaching. This is covered by the mortal sin known as an 'offence against faith'. You should see what Cardinal Arinze says about this.
Before anyone complains about Michael Voris it is necessary to be theologically astute about what they are actually complaining about. To be fair he does not transmit his anti-liberal theology that well at times.
Nice blog, I will add this to the list.
Just out of interest I have a section entitled 'Avoid Liberal Catholicism' which gives a brief history/how it works/& reasons for liberal Catholicism etc. It is worth a quick read.
You wrote:
DeleteBlessed John Henry Newman would have approved of Michael Voris because he himself in fact stated that those who were in a state of apostasy should be challenged.
That is a very harsh judgment to make, and I think you need to rethink that. Do we, as the laity, have the right to call out a Prince of the Church and declare him to be an apostate? This is the problem with what Michael Voris is doing. The worldwide web is not the place to take our grievances against the hierarchy of the Church.
If Dolan murdered a man, would you still hesitate to denounce him?
DeleteWhat would Dolan (or Jorge the Heretic for that matter) have to do in order for you to stop happily following him to Hell?
That is one of the most ridiculous comments I have ever seen. You are conflating closing churches and making comments you don't agree with to be in the same class as murdering someone?
DeleteJesus Christ promised us that the gates of hell will never prevail against the Church. He promised that the Holy Spirit would always be here to protect and guide His Church. You either believe that or you don't.
It is not the job of the laity to stand in judgment of Church hierarchy.
I have met Michael Voris and spoke with him extensively. He is very vain and self absorbed man, very full of himself and his certitudes. He is 50 year old boy, an immature know it all.
ReplyDeleteI met Voris when he was in Australia, he came across as a decent humble bloke.
ReplyDeleteA letter from a TLM priest claiming to have been severely persecuted under Dolan's watch for being too orthodox.
What is most disturbing to me even more than trying to figure out what is true in the Voris/Dolan slanging match is the lack of charity where Catholics attack one another for not being Catholic enough, being too Catholic, being uncharitable or being judgemental. If we really want to be true Catholics, then I suggest that (whether we attend Novus Ordo or Traditional Latin Mass) that we strive to become most CHRISTLIKE. In that light, I suspect that many of these comments would not qualify as Christlike at all. I am actually ashamed to be Catholic when I witness this kind of infighting. What a great example we are....
ReplyDeleteRegarding judging - - - -
DeleteJesus told us to judge with right judgment - Jn 7:24;
Jesus told us that in order we may not be hypocrites AND so we can "see clearly" that we take the log out of our own eye FIRST, BEFORE taking the splinter out of our brother's, and that we will be judged by the same measure we judge others. Mt 7:5; Lk 6:42.
Admonishing sinners, Instructing the Uniformed, and Counselling the doubtful are 3 of the Spiritual Works of Mercy.
If you love your neighbor as commanded by Jesus, you will want him/her to get to Heaven (not Hell) for eternity. This is true love.
Charity DEMANDS fraternal correction. (CCC 1829).
If judging is wrong, then I would strongly suggest you let Michael Voris know because he has judged Cardinal Dolan saying he is headed to hell.
DeleteCharity demands fraternal correction BUT under very specific circumstances, and in certain ways.
The problem is not the identification of what is wrong, but the rash judgement of the internal state of someone's soul or even of their intentions. Remember that detraction is the revealing of something TRUE that damages the reputation of another. It is a sin. Both Dolan and Voris are victims of it here. Whatever their faults, a public slanging match over it with criticism all around for those who hold either opinion is decidedly NOT what would please Christ. Or Our Lady. Do not let us fool ourselves thinking it is in the interest of truth. This sort of conversation merely increases scandal and doesn't solve a thing.
If we want to help save the Souls of some Cardinals/Bishops we will speak the truth.
ReplyDeleteScandal is a mortal sin that can send Clergy as well as those scandalized to Hell.
Scandal is a mortal sin that many Cardinals/Bishops ignore - whether it is the apparent approval of promoting a sinful lifestyle, participating in Sacrilege against the Body and Blood of our Lord (not enforcing Canon 915), etc., etc, etc,
CCC " 2285 Scandal takes on a particular gravity by reason of the authority of those who cause it or the weakness of those who are scandalized.
It prompted our Lord to utter this curse: "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."
Scandal is grave when given by those who by nature or office are obliged to teach and educate others.
Jesus reproaches the scribes and Pharisees on this account: he likens them to wolves in sheep's clothing."
Mt 18:6; 1 Cor 8:10-13; Mt 7:15.
Our responsibility in the sins of others - - -
DeleteCCC: " 1868 Sin is a personal act. Moreover, we have a responsibility for the sins committed by others when we cooperate in them:
- by participating directly and voluntarily in them;
- by ordering, advising, praising, or approving them;
- by not disclosing or not hindering them when we have an obligation to do so;
- by protecting evil-doers. "
The internet has been a great communication medium but it also a great medium to the vice of lust (via pornography) and the vice of detraction (via uncharitable blogging).
ReplyDeleteMichael Voris has blasted Cardinal Dolan yet again! *sigh*
That is what Voris does. It's his shtick. No surprise there.