Saturday, August 25, 2018

Jesus Condemns Clericalism

The conservative Catholic Internet has engaged in yet another battle with Pope Francis.  This time it is about clericalism.  Pope Francis has spoken out against clericalism for his entire papacy, considering it one of the greatest evils in the Church.  Once more this past week, Pope Francis again condemned clericalism, naming it as the root cause of the sexual abuse crisis in the Church.

Many conservatives howled, declaring that Pope Francis was only trying to cover for homosexuals.  No one sums up the anti-Pope Francis tirades better than John Zuhlsdorf:
During The Present Crisis partisans of the loony and often homosexual catholic Left have attempted misdirection of attention away from the root cause – homosexuality – and toward clericalism. Watch: they will also try to connect the Crisis to traditional liturgy.
Some on the sane side of the non=”gay”, sound doctrine Catholic spectrum have been seduced into a least some of the clericalism argument.
Let’s face it: the real problem is homosexuality.
Homosexuality is what cause the vast amount of the abuse of power and victims of all ages.
You will notice that Pope Francis is no where mentioned here, but there can be no doubt that Zuhlsdorf is aiming this at the Holy Father as Pope Francis made it very clear in his letter that he blames clericalism for this evil in the church.

I would like to know just how it is that homosexuality, of and by itself, causes "the vast amount of the abuse of power and victims of all ages."  Does homosexuality explain those priests who have affairs with grown women?  Does homosexuality explain those priests and bishops who surround themselves in luxury and great comfort while not caring at all about the laity?  Does homosexuality explain Father John Zuhlsdorf, who lives as a law unto himself, answering to no one, living in his own house, traveling around the world at will, eating at the finest restaurants, expecting his readership to give him money so that he can indulge his every whim and desire?  Does homosexuality explain John Zuhlsdorf who condemns and casts out anyone who dares to disagree with him, with no concern for their souls whatseover?  

John Zuhlsdorf is the very embodiment of clericalism, and that is why he becomes so defensive when the Holy Father and others point to it as the root of the evil in the priesthood.

What is clericalism?  It is the stench of a rotted-out priesthood.  Clericalism is a spiritual disease which causes priests and bishops to forget their roles as servants of the people and instead, make the people their servants.  Clericalism says I am special and privileged.  I have a special pipeline to God and receive extra graces.  I am not bound by the same rules and principles that govern the people in the pews.  I am part of the elite.  I am not here to serve but be served.

Today's Gospel was all about clericalism and Our Lord's advice to us in how to deal with it.  From Matthew 23:
Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying,
"The scribes and the Pharisees
have taken their seat on the chair of Moses.
Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you,
but do not follow their example.
For they preach but they do not practice.
They tie up heavy burdens hard to carry
and lay them on people's shoulders,
but they will not lift a finger to move them.
All their works are performed to be seen.
They widen their phylacteries and lengthen their tassels.
They love places of honor at banquets, seats of honor in synagogues,
greetings in marketplaces, and the salutation 'Rabbi.'
Here is a video of this passage from The Video Bible:

These verses, tragically, describe too many of the priests and bishops in the Catholic Church.  We saw the ultimate consequence of this clericalism in the abuse and cover-up scandal.  Instead of facing up to their sins, the clergy covered them up and hoped no one would notice.  They preached fire and brimstone at the laity while they themselves lived lives of sensual pleasure.  They took places of honor in the Church, while secretly indulging their basest passions. They did nothing to stop the predator priests who victimized the most innocent and vulnerable.  They put themselves above the law, both canonical and civil, and threw the laity to the wind.

We need to be careful not to put all priests and bishops in this category.  There are many good men who are serving the Church.  At the same time, we have to be very careful not to put anyone on a pedestal.  Anytime you put a priest or bishop on a pedestal, you are spiritually endangering him.  We must realize that our priests and bishops are sinners just like us.  Pope Francis told us exactly that when he publicly declared himself a sinner.  When a priest forgets that he is a sinner, he has become ripe pickings for the devil.  A good priest is one who never shines the spotlight on himself but always points to Christ. When a priest becomes the center of his ministry, he is in spiritual danger and puts all around him in danger.

We have been hearing all over the Internet about the subculture of homosexual priests in the Church, that they have actually networked and have basically produced their own secret society.  This is what one teacher in a seminary wrote to Rod Dreher as quoted in an article entitled "Clericalism and Corruption":
Easily 2/3 of the seminarians I’ve taught are homosexual – this from their own admission. Some, although few, try to adhere to the church’s teaching. And I know many of these are not successful, but keep trying. Sadly, the large majority simply assume they’ll live sexually active lives — secret ones — with a partner, or special friend, or whatever. This is not assumption, this is based on personal sharing and direct observation – on reality.
The question is, why do these young seminarians feel so emboldened, having already determined to live in direct disobedience to vows they have not yet taken?  Is it the fact that they are homosexual? That is what many would have you believe.  But the truth is, they are infected with the disease of clericalism, the feeling that they are entitled to live according to their own passions and desires, loyalty to the Gospel and the people of God be damned.  It is not their homosexuality that is the problem as much as the problem of their feelings of privilege, elitism and entitlement.

The priests and bishops in the Catholic Church have been called to be the servants of the people.  In fact, the higher up in the hierarchy, the more they serve the people.  The Pope is called the servant of the servants.  And yes, if they are true to their calling, they do make a tremendous sacrifice by giving up all personal goals in life, including a wife and children, to completely devote their lives to Our Lord and His Church.  Any priest who is not willing to do this should leave immediately, because he is nothing more than an imposter and a servant of Satan.

To blame the abuse of power, the neglect of the laity, the embracing of power and privilege on the sin of homosexuality is a cop-out.  Yes, there may very well be a gay sub culture in the Church, but to concentrate only on that problem will never solve the problem of elitism and dereliction of duty in the priesthood.  If you have a diseased tree, you have to chop it down at the roots.  Just taking off a bad branch does not solve the problem.  The tree will continue to rot, and one day it will fall, and great will be that fall.


  1. Michael Voris has continued to beat the drum. Catholic in Brooklyn, hold your nose and check out the following URL:

    1. And he is hardly alone. This same refrain is heard everywhere, The devil accomplishes two evils with this kind of movement against the hierarchy. First of all, it obfuscates what is really happening, the evil of clericalism. Our Lord saw this clericalism in the scribes and pharisees of his day, and it it has been a problem all through the centuries in the Church, Satan also wins when people see this only as a homosexual problem because it turns them against the Holy Father, who has stated very clearly that the root cause is clericalism. With “solutions” from people like Voris, we could well have an even bigger crisis than the sexual abuse crisis,


  2. In what must be an almost Providential example of bad timing, you double down on the "clericalism" excuse, just as horrific news of the extent of the homosexual cleric driven ruin of the Church, and exploitation of the faithful, hits the streets.

    But, according to you, it's Zuhlsdorf and Voris who are representative of the real problem.

    1. There are definitely very bad priests who are involved in all kinds of sin, including homosexuality. Voris is not a priest, he is just a troublemaker. But Zuhlsdorf - yes, he is definitely guilty of clericalism.

  3. Catholic in Brooklyn, hold your nose and check out the following URL:

    What do you have to say about Dr. Alan Keyes? I actually wrote a paper about him when I was in college.


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