Traditionalists are always accusing the rest of the Catholic world of picking and choosing what they want to believe and throwing out the rest. Certainly that is true for a certain number of Catholics. Pope Francis himself has warned us of this trap, saying that such people have one foot out the door.
But no "Novus Ordo" Catholic can hold a candle to the Traditionalists when it comes to picking and choosing what they will believe. Traditionalists by nature reject everything that doesn't meet their own exacting standards, and that includes almost everything in the Church post-Vatican II.
They reject the Second Vatican Council pretty much in its entirety, believing that even if there were good things from the Council, the good is far outweighed by the bad and therefore everything must be rejected.
Traditionalists believe no one can be truly Catholic unless they love and attend the Traditional Latin Mass.
They have rejected every post conciliar pope to one extent or another, and of course, they have completely rejected Pope Francis as a heretic who needs to be condemned and removed from the papacy.
Traditionalists even reject such post conciliar teachings as Divine Mercy, believing that this negates the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
And yet Traditionalists will tell us that they are the only true Catholics at this time in the Church's history. Because of that, they feel justified in trying to destroy everything and everyone whom they view as an enemy.
Now that Pope Francis has called them out and said they are the source of disunity and divisiveness in the Church, they are denying they ever believed any of the above things.
Eric Sammons, a convert (so many of the Trads are converts) who is a hard core Traditionalist, wrote an article for Crisis Magazine in which he accuses Pope Francis of giving them a serpent when they asked for a fish: "Traditionis custodes: Serpents over Fish."
From Sammons' article:
One of my first thoughts when reading the Pope’s decree was our Lord’s words, “What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent?” (Luke 11:11) A growing number of Catholics have been asking to be fed by the “fish” of the TLM; now the Holy Father has given them instead a serpent.
These divine words come to mind because I think of all the people I’ve met in recent years who have discovered the traditional Latin Mass and found it to be a source of strength and comfort in their spiritual pilgrimage here on earth. They don’t reject Vatican II; they don’t think they are better than Novus Ordo Catholics; they don’t hate the pope. By and large, they don’t concern themselves with Church politics. They simply love the beauty and reverence and richness of the traditional Latin Mass—a beauty, reverence, and richness they could not find at their local parish.
They don't reject Vatican II? They don't think they are better than "Novus Ordo Catholics"? (His very use of that term shows his bigotry.) They don't hate the Pope? Who does Sammons think he is kidding? Show me one Traditionalist website on the entire Internet that doesn't promote all of these things. It doesn't exist.
Sammons' wording belies his statement "They simply love the beauty and reverence and richness of the traditional Latin Mass - a beauty, reverence, and richness they could not find at their local parish." So they couldn't find this at their local parish, but they aren't rejecting anything. Yea, right.
Just a few weeks ago, on July 2, Sammons did a video with another rad trad entitled, "Why is the Traditional Latin Mass Superior to the New Mass?" He doesn't even try to make it more palatable by asking "IS the TLM Superior", but comes right out and states "WHY the TLM is Superior." This, of course, goes completely against Summorum Pontificum which says neither Mass is superior to the other.
On May 2 of this year, Sammons wrote an article claiming that the Second Vatican Council is a failed council. The article is entitled: "Moving Beyond Vatican II" with a subtitle, "How do you solve a problem like Vatican II?"
He states that, unlike other Trads, he does not consider Vatican II to be heretical, just failed, and that Catholics must respond by "moving beyond" the Council:
So, how should Catholics approach Vatican II? First, to be clear, this is not a call to “reject” Vatican II or to declare it heretical. It’s a call to stop being handcuffed to that council, to move beyond it. Too often we’ve had binary debates about Vatican II: you either have to follow it slavishly (or, more precisely, follow a specific interpretation slavishly), or reject it completely. We need to put Vatican II in proper perspective—both the good and the bad—and stop seeing every problem through a Vatican II lens. Perhaps the council doesn’t have the answer to our problems; or, even more controversially, perhaps the Vatican II solution isn’t the proper solution for today.
Both liberal and conservative Catholics have made Vatican II into the raison d’etre of modern Catholicism, the lens through which the entire Faith is seen. This practice has transformed the council into an albatross, shackling Catholics to failed and outdated ideas and practices.
Catholics need not be cult members, desperately trying to save face by defending every jot and tittle of Vatican II. We can admit we have councils in our past that, in spite of good intentions, didn’t work out as hoped—or whose pastoral advice and worldview just don’t apply to us anymore. In the face of today’s (seemingly countless) problems, we should focus on those things in our Tradition that have worked and re-embrace them, for the good of the Church and the salvation of souls.
Sammons is treating us like fools. He honestly wants us to think that judging the Council as irrelevant and "moving beyond" it is not the same as rejecting it. C'mon! A rose by any other name . . . or better said, condemnation by any other name. . .
It is also beyond ironic that Sammons accuses Vatican II of "shackling Catholics to failed and outdated ideas and practices." The Council is not even 60 years old, which is nothing in terms of Church age. The Trads have been condemning it since the end of the last session in 1965. They refuse to even consider that it is divinely inspired.
Next question. How does Sammons view Pope Francis? Here is an article he wrote on June 4 entitled "Pope Francis Sets His Sights on the Latin Mass." regarding the then rumors that Francis was going to abrogate Summorum Pontificum.
Sammons writes this:
Why would Pope Francis do this? If a CEO decided to shut down the fastest-growing division in his company, it would be a head-scratcher for sure. So why would Pope Francis look to limit the reach of what is, in terms of growth, the most successful movement in the Church today?Sammons makes it abundantly clear that he sees only malicious intent on the part of Pope Francis. This is classic Catholic Traditionalism. They never consider that there is any possibility that they are doing something wrong. As I have written so many times before, Trads portray themselves as innocent victims who want nothing more than to obey and worship God. They then demonize everyone whom they consider an enemy, and no one is a bigger enemy in their messed up minds than Pope Francis and the post conciliar Church.
The most likely answer is that he and other Vatican officials behind this move realize that the growth of TLM communities is not just about the way the Mass is celebrated. In many ways it represents a repudiation of the entire post-Vatican II project into which Church leaders up to Francis have invested so much.
My prayer is that it never comes to that—that the pope realizes the growth of the TLM is the best thing happening in the Church today and he should do all he can to promote and encourage it. If he doesn’t, he might one day find that the only Catholics left will be those who need to turn off the lights and lock the doors, since everyone has already left the building for good.
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The problem is not with the Traditional Latin Mass. The problem is with the Traditionalists who are using it to divide and destroy the Church. They have taken something beautiful and made it into a weapon of mass (no pun intended) destruction.
The Traditionalists gave Pope Francis no other choice than to proceed as he has done. The Pope's first loyalty is to his flock. The Trads have made it very clear they do not consider themselves to be a part of his flock. They have no one to blame but themselves for having come to this point.
No offense, Catholic in Brooklyn, but doesn't President Joe Biden seem to be a cafeteria Catholic in this day and age? How much damage do you think the Biden Administration has done to the United States so far? ANY damage? Do YOU think the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump?
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, the notorious Michael Voris has continued to defend Father James Altman, who even guest-hosted an episode of "The Vortex" last month.
I don't trust anyone in politics, but Trump is a nightmare, and I absolutely do not think he won the election. Joe Biden has definite problems in how he practices Catholicism, but that's the problem anyone has who is part of the world's system. Biden is the establishment, and he will always do what is best for business, which is never good for the people.
ReplyDeleteThere is no salvation in politics, no matter what side you take.
Voris has really become a non entity. I never hear anyone talking about him anymore. Except that he is being sued for defamation, and that could destroy his business.
Cafeteria Catholics on both ends of spectrum are annoying, but we must pray for them and offer our annoyance to God on their behalf. Father Casey Cole made a video of speculative theology on whether Christ died for dogs or not. Of course, his answer was yes since Franciscans believe that Christ died for all of creation. A guy with the handle iNdUsTrlaLrOcKeR4U seems to be a Cafeteria Catholic left a ton of comments on the video and seems to be towards the Trad end of the spectrum of Cafeteria Catholics. He replies to people who state their desires for wordly pleasures (like dogs) saying you desire Christ alone. He talks about Sister Lucia saying people have a coldness for renouncing pleasures and committing themselves to God only. Basically if you get pleasure out of anything in life other than doing God's will, desiring Christ and Heaven alone, you're an idolater and your soul is lost in this guy's eyes. If that were the case, we wouldn't have Thomas Aquinas, Francis de Sales, and John Henry Neuman telling us otherwise. God isn't going to publish you for living a balanced life, desiring certain wordly things, and enjoying certain worldly pleasures in moderation. Chesterton said, "In Catholicism, the Cross, the pipe, and the pint all fit together." So is Cherston's soul lost then? (That was meant to be rhetorical).
ReplyDeleteHe says Christ, Our Lady, and the Holy Spirit should our only teachers. I thought, "Dude, several theologian saints said certain worldly pleasures are good and perfectly OK. St. Thomas Aquinas said having fun (eutrapelia) is a virtue." He also accused another user of
Making their pets idols because they mentioned their pets several times. From my understanding, idolatry is a sin of the heart. Also, accusing a fellow Christian of idolatry can be very serious slander.
Feel free to check out this guy's comments under that video and tell me whether or not my intuition is right on target or I'm completely wrong. He also follows a rad Trad channel and a living off the grid channel where the man goes on political conspiracy theory doomsday rants.
Never mind about checking out the guy's comments. I've decided for myself he's not worth listening to.