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I have written several times about popular traditionalist blogger Mary Ann Kreitzer. She has been in the public eye for decades, as a pro life warrior and active on the Internet. My problem with Mary Ann is that she presents herself as a loyal, faithful Catholic whose life is centered around obedience to God and the Catholic Church, and yet her whole shtick is all about pushing dangerous misinformation and lies that go in complete contradiction to what she claims to profess.
Mary Ann Kreitzer, like so many traditionalists, is the walking definition of hypocrisy. She professes to live a life of virtue and honesty and yet she posts one lie after another on her blog, promoting disunity and divisiveness.
Here are just a few examples.
Mary Ann has told her readers from the first time Covid 19 was diagnosed to this day that they should not listen to any medical authorities, that masks not only do not protect against Covid but that they are dangerous to our health, that social distancing was mandated to destroy society, that the vaccine was created to kill us, and we should all just use our common sense with this disease. This is despite the fact that it is estimated that almost 7 million people have died from Covid 19 worldwide, and that the number is probably much higher. This also does not include all the many millions who suffer from long Covid.
She supports Russia against Ukraine, totally denying that Russia was the aggressor invading a sovereign nation and that instead, Ukraine is a bunch of Nazis perpetrating evil on the world, ignoring the fact that the leader of Ukraine is Jewish. Her posts on the war sound like pure Russian propaganda. She blames Ukraine for the carnage because they refuse to give up and "acknowledge" that they have lost. She wrote this in July of 2022 in a post entitled "The Ukraine War is a Scam and a Stupid and Dangerous Scam as Well!":
The reality is that Russia has won the war in Ukraine. Whether you hate Putin or not, the Ukraine is done. Russia has won. The only result of continuing the war is to pound the Ukrainian people into the dust and impoverish the people of the countries pouring money into the war effort. So why are political leaders not encouraging Zelensky and company to sue for peace
In the last two presidential elections, she was a staunch Trump supporter. She seems to have backed down on that for 2024, and is not sure who she supports this time around, although she is still open to Trump. She is a 2020 election denier and believes the January 6 insurrection was a false flag operation.
I have been particularly amused by the 180 degree turnaround in her support of Michael Voris. She used to love him, as she wrote in this 2011 post:
God bless Mike Voris and all those in the Church today who are courageous enough to speak the truth. May they reap a prophet's reward.
She said this in another 2011 post:
One more on-target message from Mike Voris to annoy my anti-Voris readers. What's not to like about this articulate young man who says Real Catholic TV and St. Michael's Media's only goal is providing material to help save souls? I want to be part of that! That's why I'm a subscriber to Real Catholic TV.
In this post from 2016, she promoted working directly for Michael Voris:
Church Militant TV is hiring and they have quite an assortment of jobs available. They're located in the Detroit area. Check out the seven jobs listed here.
If you are graduating from college in May and want to dedicate some time to serving the Lord, what better way to do it than become involved in promoting and defending the faith?
Mary Ann loved Michael Voris so much she did a video with him. Here is a little bit of their love fest from that video:
Michael Voris: Mary Ann has been what my mother, God rest her soul, would describe as one of those ladies that what she doesn't know isn't worth knowing. So how's that for an introduction Mary Ann. Mary Ann has been part of the battle for authentic Catholicism in the church for a very long time, so as one of the great shoulders that we have the privilege of standing on, we'd like to thank you here at Church Militant for everything you've done for the church.Mary Ann: Thank you. I really appreciate your apostolate and it's wonderful to see all those young faces in your organization, so thank you, too.
Now she is completely against him and condemns him every chance she gets. Why? Did she suddenly see the light and realize he does nothing but promote division and hate? Not by a long shot. Mary Ann now attends the SSPX exclusively, and Michael Voris has dared to go against them. Spreading hate and division is no big deal to Mary Ann, but you go against one of her causes, and you are evil incarnate.
Here is just a taste of the vitriol that Mary Ann spews at Michael Voris these days, getting in some very personal shots:
Michael Voris is at it again -- reporting from Baltimore about the massive crowd (Really...1500?) coming to his rally tomorrow. As usual Voris preens and postures as he promotes Church Militant (CM) as the only courageous team willing to take on the evil bishops, every one of whom should immediately resign. (Yes, he said that in another Vortex episode since the bishops are all homosexuals, homosexual enablers, or cowards, not to mention "Johns" paying their whores in the media to pick on poor CM. Yup, he called and/or implied that the bishops as a group are cruising "Johns" looking for their latest hooker pickup. (Obviously Voris knows a lot about cruising for pickups. As my mom always said, "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.")
Then she makes this admission:
I have to hold my nose these days every time I visit the CM website. It wasn't always like that. I was an early supporter and attended the rally several years ago (2018). Even then I was concerned about the direction they seemed to be taking. I reached the "no more" stage over their vicious attack on the SSPX and traditionalists in general.
No more. These folks are totally off the rails. They practice the same immoral tactics as Communist Saul Alinsky against their enemies (which include just about everybody...except Opus Dei!)
If Mary Ann was ever "concerned about their direction", she sure kept it well hidden under all that lavish praise she used to heap upon Michael Voris and Church Militant, even urging people to go work for them. But note that she "reached the 'no more' stage" not because Church Militant was spreading division and lies, but because of "their vicious attack on the SSPX and traditionalists in general". She only turned against Church Militant because she felt personally attacked.
It is especially telling that Mary Ann attacks Voris for being homosexual. She wrote the following in 2016 when Voris's homosexual past was exposed. It is from a post entitled, "Pray for Michael Voris in his Magdalene Moment":
Please pray for Michael Voris that what his enemies meant for evil will be a source of great grace for him and for the apostolate of Church Militant TV.
Mary Ann shows she can love you one moment and viciously attack you the next moment if you cross her. I don't remember that trait being a sign of a true follower of Christ.
Mary Ann also shows her hypocrisy when she attacks Voris for going after the bishops. She has done it time and time again, as you can see HERE. In fact, the video linked to above with Mary Ann and Voris is entitled, "The Plague of Homosexual Clergy." Mary Ann was in complete agreement with Voris at that time.
In fact, Mary Ann herself accused "many" of the bishops of being homosexual, as she wrote in 2018:
Many of the bishops are either homosexual or homosexual agenda supportive. There is without a doubt a Lavender Mafia within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.
Hypocrisy reigns supreme over at Mary Ann's blog.
I find it fascinating that those who reject the Pope - and, as Cardinal Sarah said, ipso facto, have rejected Christ and the Church - always end up fighting one another as well. There is never unity when you join forces with the devil. Division is a sure sign of evil.Mary Ann also follows and promotes so-called "Catholic" right wing loonies like Ann Barnhardt and Mundabor, As she wrote about Ann Barnhart, an avowed sedevacantist and hater of Pope Francis: "She is so insightful!" And about Mundabor, although not a sedevacantist but a Pope Francis hater in the first degree, Mary Ann wrote: "I'm a fan and follower of Mundabor's blog" and "I always learn a lot by reading Mundabor's blog."But I truly regret what Fr. Altman. is doing even though his criticism of the pope is legitimate. . . Yes, his criticism of the pope is legitimate; but one can remain united with Peter even when, like One Mad Mom writes, he resembles the Emperor with no clothes
The article from "Where Peter Is" outlines a few of Altman's criticisms of the Pope, which Mary Ann says she agrees with:
For the first half hour of Altman’s nearly forty-minute talk, he described Pope Francis (repeatedly referring to him by his given name, “Jorge Bergoglio”) as the “worst anti-Catholic Pope in history” and “a fake and a fraud of a Catholic as the imposter prancing around in white,” before beginning a litany of condemnations of Catholic bishops, repeatedly saying they were a “brood of vipers.” Later on in his address, he said of the pope, “if he doesn’t repent for his fraudulent and damned papacy he will burn in the lowest level of hell, and frankly my prayer would be that may God smite him before he gets that low — not because I have any particular focus on his Eternal Soul; rather because I love and I am concerned for all the Eternal Souls that that chief earthly viper is leading down the road to hell.”
I've been thinking a lot about the pope and his papacy's impact on the Church, which any sensible person must recognize by now is a disaster. He undermines the faith, he aids and abets enemies of the Church, his off-the-cuff bombs lobbed on almost every plane ride create confusion and chaos.
Horrors! (And I mean that literally.) He's a one man wrecking ball!
I think we could say the same thing about Francis that Churchill said about Lenin. Lenin returned to Russia like a "plague bacillus" to kill the monarchy. Pope Francis, injected into the Church by the St. Gallen's mafia, has infected us with the plague bacillus of modernism on steroids. He, of course, cannot "kill" the Church, but he seems to be trying his darnedest! We all need to pray and sacrifice for him, that's for sure.
It's important for Catholics to remember that "Peter" is not just the man, but the unchangeable institution of the Church founded by Christ. The pope who sits on the throne can be wrong and even evil. He is not elected by the Holy Spirit, but by the school of cardinals, many of whom are often worldly and venal men.
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:17-20)
The Church is NOT run by the "institution." It is governed by Peter, from the top down. All authority on earth begins and ends with the Pope. Peter is the head of the Church Militant here on earth. No bishop or any other human being has authority apart from the Pope. Even our Blessed Mother in heaven has no authority over Peter. And no human being has a right to sit in judgment of Peter. Only God can judge him. That is basic Catholic Church teaching, which Mary Ann rejects.
Here is Canon 331, which delineates specifically the supreme authority of the Pope:
Can. 331 The bishop of the Roman Church, in whom continues the office given by the Lord uniquely to Peter, the first of the Apostles, and to be transmitted to his successors, is the head of the college of bishops, the Vicar of Christ, and the pastor of the universal Church on earth. By virtue of his office he possesses supreme, full, immediate, and universal ordinary power in the Church, which he is always able to exercise freely.And yes, despite the special graces given to a pope, he can still be evil and sinful. He still has free will. But the Holy Spirit will never allow a Pope to mislead the Church. In all of her history, despite evil popes, not one of them has ever spiritually misled the Church or taught heresy. It doesn't matter who sits on the throne or how he got there. Once a man is elected Pope, he receives the spiritual gifts and graces promised to Jesus Christ as successor to Peter. That doesn't guarantee his personal salvation, but it does guarantee that the Church will be protected.
Can. 332 §1. The Roman Pontiff obtains full and supreme power in the Church by his acceptance of legitimate election together with episcopal consecration. Therefore, a person elected to the supreme pontificate who is marked with episcopal character obtains this power from the moment of acceptance. If the person elected lacks episcopal character, however, he is to be ordained a bishop immediately.
§2. If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity that the resignation is made freely and properly manifested but not that it is accepted by anyone.
Can. 333 §1. By virtue of his office, the Roman Pontiff not only possesses power over the universal Church but also obtains the primacy of ordinary power over all particular churches and groups of them. Moreover, this primacy strengthens and protects the proper, ordinary, and immediate power which bishops possess in the particular churches entrusted to their care.
§2. In fulfilling the office of supreme pastor of the Church, the Roman Pontiff is always joined in communion with the other bishops and with the universal Church. He nevertheless has the right, according to the needs of the Church, to determine the manner, whether personal or collegial, of exercising this office.
“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail."
Jesus here is talking about the faith of the Church. Christ is telling us here that Peter will never be allowed to fail the Church, even if he fails personally. Mary Ann's belief that we have to judge a pope's teachings shows complete rejection of Jesus Christ. Of course, that doesn't mean we have to accept every human opinion of a pope. I am talking about faith and morals.
Donald Trump's comments after Charlottesville condemning violence wherever it comes from were totally on target.
Does anyone really believe the only bad guys in Charlottesville were the white supremacists?
Hey, the liberals were thrilled to have an opportunity to send in their thugs pretending to be the "good guys" in white hats. They aren't! Antifa wants an open war and everywhere they go violence erupts.
In Charlottesville, it was the fascists vs. the commies all over again. Are there any good guys in those groups?
Mary Ann, of course, never mentions the protestor who was run over and killed when a white supremacist deliberately drove his car into a crowd of protestors. That doesn't make it onto her radar. At the same time, she says it was the "liberals" who are the thugs. Mary Ann is also a pro when it comes to blocking out inconvenient truths. That is why she loves Donald Trump, who has made lying and manipulation of the facts into an art.
Anyway, back to Aitcheson.
Pope Francis has been the most controversial pope in Church history. He has promoted heresy and worhiped [sic] the Pachama [sic], that filthy demon. He has talked out of both sides of his mouth by saying on the one hand, homosexual behavior is a sin, and giving the German bishops a rite for homosexual coupling on the other hand. His duplicity and his willfulness produced the permission for the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X to witness marriages and hear confessions, but has, by his document Traditiones custodis [sic] (ironically named), set about suppressing the celbration [sic] of the Traditional Latin Mass and the celebration of the other traditional sacraments. How could God, Who is Truth itself, place in the Chair of St. Peter, such a duplicitous and stubborn man who has caused so much scandal?
First of all, may I ask Fr Aitcheson to please use a spell checker in the future?
"Most controversial pope in Church history", "promoted heresy" "worshipped Pachamama", "talked out of both sides of his mouth", "duplicitous and stubborn man who has caused so much scandal". Aitcheson does not have one good thing to say about the Holy Father. This is from a Catholic priest?
So, after tearing down Pope Francis in every way he could think of, he goes on to write this:
Pope Francis is in the place that God wants him: apostasy, heresy, duplicity, willfulness, schismatic tendencies, and all. Francis is the Scourge of the Church, God's instrument of chastisement for the Church members' many betrayals of Christ, including Vatican II.
God is not the cause of Francis's sins, or anyone else's for that matter, but He has given power to this evil man in order to show the Church the infidelities of her people. The purpose of this revelation is to call the Church's laity and her ministers to repent and do penance for their many sins. We are not to be idle in this combat between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness, bua re [sic] in the middle of the combat needing to choose our own side [I have no idea what he is saying here]. Remember, indifference is the opposite of charity.
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