Friday, October 19, 2018

Enemies of Pope Francis Continue to Lie and Attack Ruthlessly

I should be use to it by now, but I am still just completely blown away by the blatant lies and false, malicious accusations made against by Pope Francis by those intent on destroying the Holy Father.

Father John Zuhlsdorf is once again at the forefront of those trying desperately to instill suspicion and hatred among his readers towards Pope Francis.

I am going to say it right here, loud and clear, because there is no other explanation.

John Zuhlsdorf, with his constant lies and false accusations, is an agent of the father of lies, Satan himself.

I have shown [HERE] how Zuhlsdorf posted a video on his website from Marshall Taylor, another enemy of Pope Francis.  It was an old video from 2011 which, according to Taylor, showed German bishops deliberately refusing to shake Pope Benedict's hand.  This was connected to Pope Francis because the German bishops, according to Taylor, were already plotting to get rid of Benedict and install Francis as pope.

Even in 2011, the "snub" of Pope Benedict was shown to be nothing of the sort.  The Holy Father was introducing the German President to the bishops, and was merely extending his hand in introduction to the bishops.  The bishops were not expected to shake Benedict's hand.

Even when this was pointed out by one of Zuhlsdorf's own readers, he never corrected his post.

In my same post, I also exposed Zuhlsdorf in another malicious attack against the Pope.  In this lie, Zuhlsdorf accused Pope Francis of using a demonic stang in place of the papal staff at the initial Mass of the Youth Synod.  For a more thorough explanation, see Deacon Kandra's post HERE.

Zuhsldorf also claimed that the young woman who presented the papal staff to Pope Francis was wearing a Wicca red string bracelet. Just a brief explanation of the facts showed that these were absolutely false and vicious lies.

There is no doubt that Zuhlsdorf was not the least concerned with the truth of these accusations.  Zuhlsdorf's sole intent was to inflame his readers against Pope Francis.  And he succeeded beyond his expectations.  The hateful words used against Pope Francis were off the charts.

And now Zuhlsdorf has done it again.  He is listening to his father, the devil, and has posted yet another evil slander against Pope Francis.

This time Zuhlsldorf is accusing Pope Francis of wearing a "rainbow cross", posting this picture:

From Zuhlsdorf's post:
The fellow who sent it to me, who is from Latin America, wrote:
“They’re saying the colors represent regions of Latin America, but being from there, I don’t know how that’s actually the case.”
And that is Zuhlsdorf's entire case against Pope Francis.  Just some obscure reader's suspicions.

Zuhlsdorf answers thus:
So… what is that?
It looks like a cross in rainbow colors, but in an abstract pattern so that it avoids a rainbow look (which must be purposeful).
What is that?
Zuhlsdorf is smart enough not to actually come out and say it is an LGBT symbol, but with the words "which must be purposeful", the inference is unmistakable.  And the comments show how his readers willingly and with great gusto took the bait.

But is this a symbol of the LGBT as Zuhsldorf claims?

From Father Matthew P. Schneider of Patheos:
This cross has nothing to do with the LGBT movement. CELAM (the umbrella group for Latin American Bishops’ Conferences) developed this cross, and the organizers of WYD 2019 in Panama gave it to Pope Francis.
The CELAM site explains the cross:
The Cross of the Latin American Youth Ministry carries with it the colors that represent the symbol of YM,
Green: represents the Region Mexico and Central America
Yellow-orange: represents the Caribbean Region
Red: Represents the Andean Region
Blue: Represents the Southern Cone Region.
Likewise, the shape of the Cross is referred to the orientation of our continent. [i.e. Central and South America]
Likewise, the colors resemble the ecosystems that Latin America possesses, we have jungle, volcanoes, beaches and sea.
The cross was based on the logo for youth ministry across Latin America. Here is that logo, which displays the regions more clearly than the cross.

Therefore, each color represents a region within our [CELAM’s] ministry
Even a couple of Zuhlsdorf's readers tried to correct this false accusation:

Will Elliott says:  17 October 2018 at 9:14 PM  This cross design is the Cruz de la Pastoral Juvenil Latinoamericana ( It is not an LGBT cross.
mysticmonk says:  17 October 2018 at 9:43 PM  I heard this is the official World Youth Day cross for 2019…

The following is a comment in Spanish explaining that this is not an LGBT symbol.  Notice Zuhlsdorf's comment in red:
Gil Garza says:17 October 2018 at 10:07 PM el Sínodo de Obispos, los jóvenes auditores de latinoamérica, han entregado al Santo Padre un pectoral con el símbolo de la Cruz de la PJ Latinoamericana, la cual representa el amor, oración y entrega de nuestros jóvenes latinoamericanos y de los agentes de la pastoral juvenil, asesores y animadores.La Cruz de la Pastoral Juvenil Latinoamericana, lleva consigo los colores que representan el símbolo de la PJ, por ende, cada color representa a una región:Verde: representa a la Región México y CentroaméricaAmarillo-naranja: representa a la Región CaribeRojo: Representa la Región AndinaAzul: Representa la Región Cono Sur.La forma de la Cruz, es referida a la orientación de nuestro continente y los colores evocan los ecosistemas que posee Latinoamérica, tenemos selva, volcanes, playas y mar.Damos gracias a Dios por la vida del Papa y por su servicio y amor a la PJ. Estamos muy emocionados. Gracias Papa Francisco!#SomosPJLA#PJLatConFrancisco[And the “stang” was a pilgrim’s staff.]

Translated, the comment reads:
During the Synod of Bishops, the young auditors of Latin America, have delivered to the Holy Father a breastplate with the symbol of the Cross of the Latin American PJ, which represents the love, prayer and dedication of our Latin American youth and pastoral agents youth, advisors and animators.
The Latin American Youth Pastoral Cross, carries with it the colors that represent the symbol of the PJ, therefore, each color represents a region:
Green: represents the Region Mexico and Central America
Yellow-orange: represents the Caribbean Region
Red: Represents the Andean Region
Blue: Represents the Southern Cone Region.
The shape of the Cross, is referred to the orientation of our continent and the colors evoke the ecosystems that Latin America possesses, we have jungle, volcanoes, beaches and sea. We give thanks to God for the life of the Pope and for his service and love for the PJ. We are very excited.
Thanks, Pope Francisco! #SomosPJLA #PJLatConFrancisco
And to this positive support of Pope Francis, Zuhlsdorf only sneers with disdain.  Just like his father.

One of  those commenting mirrored Zuhlsdorf exactly:
NBW says:  17 October 2018 at 10:45 PM  The Latin American cross my foot. They are trying to sneak their agenda in, just like they did at the World Youth Day in Denver when they had a female meme play the part of Jesus. The sodo-clerics are so sophomoric. First a stang, then this, I am afraid to ask what’s next.
One reader did make a plea for sanity:
Pius Admirabilis says:  18 October 2018 at 2:52 AM  @Will Elliott/Gil Garza: Thanks for shedding some light! So we can all calm down now, okay?
Sad to say, that plea went completely unheeded, as the demonic attacks against Pope Francis continued unabated.

The devil is a roaring lion, seeking whom he can devour.

Don't be one of his victims.



  2. What Zuhlsdorf does day after day seems to fit the definition of causing scandal. Does he have any superiors that can rein him in??

    1. Zuhlsdorf is incardinated in some Italian diocese. He lives in Madison WI, so he has no immediate superior he answers to. He does not belong to any parish. He just writes his blog all day and lives off the money his readers sends him. Not exactly St John Vianney.


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