Sunday, October 14, 2018

Why Do So Many American Catholics Hate Pope Francis?

In the past several posts, I have been discussing the jihad declared against Pope Francis by some conservative/traditional mostly American Catholics whom I have labeled Those More Catholic Than the Pope ("TMCTP"). I give them this title because they believe that Pope Francis is barely Catholic, if at all.

TMCTP, as shown by their blogs and websites which I call Catholicspeak, believe Pope Francis is actually trying to destroy the Catholic Church, changing it into a liberal wasteland where anything goes.

TMCTP was afraid of Pope Francis from the moment he stepped onto the papal balcony because he did not look like a traditional pope.

Here is Pope Benedict when he was elected alongside Pope Francis at his election. As you can see, Francis is definitely not into all of the pomp and circumstance that often comes with the papacy. This completely horrified TMCTP.

And as it turns out, TMCTP was right to sense that we were seeing something very new in Pope Francis.

Here are just a few of the "firsts" in just the first ten months of Pope Francis' papacy as listed in an article from Quora :

  • He refused to wear ermine-lined capes other popes wore.
  • Rather than blessing the people in St. Peter's Square on his election, he asked the people to bless him.
  • He refuses to ride in a bullet-proof Mercedes limousine, riding on a bus with other cardinals right after his election, using a Ford Focus around Rome and driving himself around the Vatican in a 1984 Renault.
  • He refers to himself as "Bishop of Rome" rather than as "Supreme Pontiff."
  • He has stated he intends to transform the Synod of Bishops to a decision-making body rather than a ceremonial rubber stamp.
  • He refused to live in the Apostolic Palace, instead living in a guest home and dining in the cafeteria.
  • He has consistently used a more familiar, direct and casual way of speaking, versus the highly formal and circumlocutory tone used by previous popes.
  • He has spoken against clericalism, versus other popes who promoted clericalism, e.g. Pope Benedict's "Year of the Priest"
  • He has reached out to atheists.
  • He sends personal hand-written letters and makes personal phone calls rather than having his secretary send formal messages on his behalf.
  • He directed the Office of the Synod of Bishops to distribute a questionnaire to Catholic laity to understand their thoughts on marriage, contraception, divorce and same-sex marriage.
  • He has called for a reform in how priests are trained so they don't become "little monsters."
  • He has said he intends to decentralize the Church, de-emphasizing the role of the pope.
  • He has stated the Church's priority is service to the poor.
  • He has reversed the previous pope's favoritism toward those who insist on Latin and old-fashioned liturgical approaches.
  • He has said the hierarchy should speak less about contraception, abortion and same-sex marriage, versus previous popes who specifically stated these were priorities for the Church.
  • He gives interviews to media outlets.
  • He has washed the feet of laity (in fact, prisoners, women and Muslims) on Holy Thursday, versus previous popes who would only wash the feet of priests. This is important because his act directly violates liturgical rules that state that only men may have their feet washed on Holy Thursday (a rule many priests and deacons also ignore worldwide).
  • He says daily Mass in a public place, for janitors and secretaries and security guards, versus other popes who only invited wealthy and influential people to daily Mass in their private chapel.
  • He has given a new profile to the post of the Papal Almoner (the person responsible for helping the poor in Rome) and has initiated new programs of gifts and other assistance to the homeless in Rome. He invited Roman homeless people to his birthday breakfast.
  • He has instructed the curia and the nuncios (ambassadors) to nominate as bishops men who are merciful and pastoral, versus previous popes who directed that bishops be chosen for their doctrinal loyalty and willingness to pick public fights.
  • He has announced he intends radical reform of the Vatican.
  • In the first public document he wrote himself, Evangelii Gaudium, he cited as teaching authorities not just popes and councils, but national episcopal conferences, which no pope has done in the past. He has stated that national episcopal councils should be free to make doctrinal statements, while previous popes have sought to diminish the role of national episcopal conferences.
  • He attracted in his first eight months three times the number of people who would annually come to see Benedict XVI.
  • He enjoys an unprecedented 95 percent approval rating among Catholics in the United States.

    All of these "firsts" can be boiled down to basically one thing: people are more important to Pope Francis than tradition, rules, regulations and the physical trappings of the Papacy.

    The biggest concern of Pope Francis is bringing the love and mercy of God to the people, and he will tear down any and all obstacles which stand in the way of accomplishing that goal.

    There are a couple more "firsts" that are not mentioned in the list above. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope and the first Pope from the Americas.

    Pope Francis is also the first Pope to choose his name after St. Francis of Assisi.

    Choosing the name "Francis" after St. Francis of Assisi is highly significant.

    St. Francis of Assisi was the son of a wealthy businessman and lived a hedonistic lifestyle as a soldier. Francis loved to party. But he didn't really know what he wanted to do with his life.

    One day while wandering in the hills around Assisi, he came upon an old, dilapidated church in San Damiano. He knelt down in front of a large crucifix and asked the Lord what he should do with his life.

    Francis heard a clear voice say to him, “Francis, go and rebuild my church which, as you see, is falling down.”

    Without hesitation, Francis gave his life to Jesus Christ. He abruptly turned his back on everything, throwing away all of his material possessions including the clothes on his back. He proceeded to live a life of complete poverty, begging for the little food that he ate.

    St. Francis lived the simplest of lives, disdaining everything about this world, caring only to serve Jesus Christ. Our Lord honored him when St. Francis became the first person to ever receive the stigmata.

    St. Francis of Assisi lived over 800 years ago but is still recognized around the world by Catholics and non-Catholics alike as one of the greatest saints in Church history.

Custom hand carved relief of Saint Francis titled,
"Francis Rebuild My Church".
    When Jorge Bergoglio chose the name "Francis", he was broadcasting just how revolutionary his papacy was to be.  Like his name sake, Pope Francis is responding to the message of rebuilding the Church.  

    Like St. Francis, Pope Francis is not concerned about shoring up the physical structures of the Church.  It is about building up the Holy Spirit in the Church.  It about infusing the love of Jesus Christ in the Church, bringing the Church back to her roots as evangelizer, spreading the saving love and mercy of the Gospel.  It is about showing the true face of Jesus Christ to a world that is lost and dying.  

TMCTP, a/k/a those who hate and oppose Pope Francis, are in complete opposition to Pope Francis because they feel that the "structure" of the Church, i.e., the traditions, are the most important part of the Church.  

TMCTP feels the Church is defined by tradition.  Their favorite verse in the Bible is this:  
By this shall men know that you are my disciples, that you l̶o̶v̶e̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ follow tradition.
Oops. Sorry,  Guess that isn't actually in the Bible.  But you wouldn't know it by TMCTP.

First of all, it is very important to note that there is a huge difference between "tradition" and "dogma."  Dogma is the unbreakable, unchangeable beliefs of the Catholic Church.  Tradition with a small "t" is all about doing things as they have always been done.

A great example of ignoring tradition was when Pope Francis decided to change the rules regarding the washing of feet on Holy Thursday.  Traditionally, only men were allowed to have their feet washed, and it was required that these men be Catholics in good standing.  This came about because Scripture tells us that Christ washed only the feet of the apostles at the Last Supper.

Pope Francis threw that tradition out the window and said all people need to be served, not just Catholic men.  Most importantly, we must serve the poor.  The Holy Father not only included women, he purposely chose prisoners, refugees, drug addicts, many of whom were not Catholic.

Pope Francis blessed an inmate during the foot-washing at Holy Thursday Mass at Rebibbia prison
in Rome in 2015. (CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano via Reuters)
This did not change dogma in any way.  But you wouldn't know it by the reaction from TMCTP.  From a January 2016 Crux article:
Bishop Robert C. Morlino of Madison, Wisconsin, for example, continued to prohibit women from being part of the ritual-until yesterday.
And while he said in a Thursday statement that he accepted the pope’s new rule “with loving obedience,” he pointed out that priests could stick to business as usual, or even drop the ritual altogether if they didn’t want to include women.
Priests in his diocese have the option “to include women in the washing of the feet … to follow the traditional practice of washing the feet of men, who in this dramatic ritual represent the Twelve Apostles [or] to omit the ritual of the washing of the feet altogether.”
Some priests seem to be gravitating toward door No. 3.
“Thankfully it is optional. So I will never perform the rite again,” the Rev. Bede Rowe, a priest based in the United Kingdom, wrote on his personal blog.
Another British priest, the Rev. Ray Blake, wrote on his blog that he stopped doing the ritual in 2013, when Pope Francis chose to include women and non-Christians in the ceremony. And he won’t start it up again.
“Here, since the ambiguity of the Pope’s first Holy Thursday and my own increasing inability to get up and down 12 times, it really does hurt, I chose not wash feet then and haven’t done since,” he wrote Friday.
Other conservatives worry that the changes could lead to women’s ordination. They point to the symbolism of the ritual, which many interpret as Jesus washing the feet of his 12 apostles.
Is this any different from the Pharisees condemning Jesus when the disciples did not ritually wash their hands before eating?  TMCTP sounds just like the Pharisees when they said, “"Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!".”  (Matthew 15:2).

Jesus responded to them by quoting Isaiah 29:13:

 ‘These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
They worship me in vain;
their teachings are merely human rules.’ 

Other similar issues have also caused TMCTP to tear their clothes and throw ashes on their heads. 

They condemned the Holy Father because he said he would not judge someone who is gay but striving to live a holy life.  TMCTP also hated the fact that Pope Francis used the word "gay".  This is much like Jesus refusing to condemn the woman taken in the very act of adultery.  

Michael Matt of Remnant Newspaper condemned Pope Francis for greeting and hugging an old friend who is gay and in a same sex marriage.  That so reminds me of the Pharisees saying of Jesus when a prostitute anointed his feet, If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner.” (Luke 7:39)

Of course, there are the more "serious" issues, such as giving communion to divorce and remarried Catholics.  TMCTP points this out as an absolute sign of just how heretical Pope Francis is.  

I have reviewed this many times in the past.  But what it comes down to is this: Pope Francis has made it very clear, without a doubt, that he respects and honors the Holy Sacrament of marriage.  

Howerver, the Holy Father recognizes that we live in a time when most people have no idea of the true meaning of marriage.  It has become more of a social event than anything else.  People are clueless of the great commitment required by marriage, and as a result, many marriages fail.

As Pope Francis has repeatedly said, the Eucharist “is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.”  This goes against the core beliefs of TMCTP.  The creed of TMCTP is that first you must be perfect and then God will forgive you.  TMCTP are so self righteous that they don't even realize how this turns the Gospel completely on its head.  

Pope Francis wants people to be treated as individuals, to be accompanied by the Church and discern and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.  Pope Francis is not saying all divorce and remarried persons can and should receive communion.    But Pope Francis realizes that we don't all have the same understanding and culpability of our own actions.  Each case must be examined on its own merits.  

However, TMCTP sees every situation in black and white, no gray areas.  All sinners are exactly the same - rotten to the core.  TMCTP does not believe in extenuating circumstances.  They don't accept that the pain and suffering of life has led some people down the wrong path, and they need help getting to where they should be.  

Pope Francis sees the pain and heartache of people, and he wants to do what he can to bring them back to a relationship with Jesus Christ, which is the only way in which they can truly heal.  But the TMCTP see only sinners who are worthy only of judgment.  TMCTP sees no room for mercy when it comes to sinners.  

Nowhere was this made plainer than in a very recent post by Father John Zuhlsdorf regarding the feast day of Pope St. John XXIII, which is also the anniversary of the opening of Vatican II, a day of infamy in the eyes of TMCTP.  Zuhlsdorf quoted part of St. John XXIII's opening remarks, including this:
[St. John XXIII] goes on to speak about how in dealing with errors in the past, the Church had often issued severe condemnations. Now, however, “the Spouse of Christ prefers to make use of the medicine of mercy rather than that of severity.”
Decide for yourselves how well that has worked.
There it is - condemnation of mercy.  This is a core belief of TMCTP.  And this is the real reason why they hate Pope Francis.

They hate Pope Francis because he dares to be merciful to sinners.

Think of the issue with the death penalty.  Pope Francis wants to give people every chance to repent and turn to God.  TMCTP wants to be able to kill them.   Pope Francis wants to reach out to gays and treat them with love and mercy.  TMCTP condemns the Holy Father saying he wants to normalize the gay lifestyle.

Mercy is the core issue with every example I have presented here.

Those More Catholic Than The Pope are truly the Pharisees of our time, putting their traditions above everything, seeing tradition as more important than people.

Their religion has very little to do with Jesus Christ.  And as a result, they hate the Vicar of Christ.

TMCTP would do well to remember James 2:13:  "Judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment."


  1. Catholic in Brooklyn, why do you think previous popes promoted clericalism?

  2. CIB, I wish I had alerted you to a symposium on Pope Francis that took place at Sacred Heart Monastery in Hales Corner Wisconsin, just outside of Milwaukee. The talks were by a number of noted scholars all over the world including the Nuncio. It would be impossible to even begin to summarizes the proceedings but what it comes down to is ignorance. Francis is different than previous popes basically because of his Jesuit formation and his being from South America a totally different culture. Here are links to 3 of the talks for your reading pleasure.

    The TMCTP need to first learn about Francis and then draw conclusions. Whether you are right or left you can't draw conclusions without all the facts and unfortunately extremist see only with blinders. I myself have changed opinions after becoming more educated on a topic.

    I am particular tired of the extreme right Protestant converts coming in the church and telling us how it should be. People who have no experience with the precouncil church either because they weren't Catholic or were born after the council. They are leading the true traditional catholics who just prefer the EF and devotions astray. Zulhsdorf and his group are in fact heretics. When you pretty much deny the council ands the things they do about the pope they are no longer Catholic. It's one thing to have an honest educed disagreement another thing to be just play vile. These same clowns are now attacking Benedict and John Paul.

    1. Thank you very much for the links. I actually grew up in Milwaukee. Received my First Communion at St Rose of Lima Catholic Church and was confirmed at Blessed Sacrament. All back in the 60’s. Very good memories.

      There is no doubt that many of the enemies of Pope Francis are Protestant converts. It seems that they have never really accepted the fullness of the Catholic faith. As Prots, they actually needed to question the heads of their Church because those men and women do not have the protection of the Holy Spirit. Catholics must of course hold the prelates in the Church responsible for their personal actions. But the papacy is a Divine Office, and I don’t think these converts truly believe or accept that.

      I must say it is good to hear from someone who loves the Traditional Mass and is not rebelling against the Church. I stopped attending the TLM several years ago just because of my bad experiences with the people. But I still love the Mass. My husband still attends, and he believes just as I do.

    2. I'm not traditional mass goer but I respect those that are spiritually fulfilled by it. I've heard a number of stories like yours of people stopping because of how the people begin to act. They have to stop listening to the crazies. Those that oppose the council will eventually die off. One has to just look at history. Always dissension after a council. Where are the Old Catholics now? Break after Vatican I and now all but dead.

    3. Jim,

      I agree I have noticed a number of former far-right protestants who have converted, many of whom have become apologists are particularly trouble makers (Steve Ray the author of "Crossing the Tiber" comes to mind. Ray seems more concerned with defending everthing Donald Trump says then actually promoting catholic apologetics.


  4. I dropped off of the last exchange because it was obviously going nowhere. But this last series of comments you have made, demonstrates that your thinking has come completely off the rails.

    You say,

    "Why Do So Many American Catholics Hate Pope Francis?"

    and then you boast with a quote to the effect that,

    "He enjoys an unprecedented 95 percent approval rating among Catholics in the United States."

    So, then if you factor in the neutrals and ... well, not so many if you are to be believed, or any sense is to be made of what you are saying at all.

    Maybe it's just those few practicing Catholics left who have an old fashioned and disapproving view of theft, of deceit, of the pederasty and rape of their sons and the other abominations of homosexual culture in the Church prelature - which both perpetrates and perpetuates these unspeakable and damnable crimes. I guess these "Francis haters" thought that they were called to be members of a holy and transcendent church, and not a polymorphous perverse orgiasts' convention where their duty as members was to issue validation slips to the most revolting and heretofore damnable behaviors imaginable.

    "They condemned the Holy Father because he said he would not judge someone who is gay but striving to live a holy life."

    But see, the evidence provided by their self-serving infestation of the institution, their payoffs, their statutory crimes, their embezzlement, their desecration of the sanctuary and altars, all prove that many, probably most all, are not striving to live a holy life, and that the Church establishment both knows and does nothing about it; being in fact, complicit.

    I don't doubt it is possible that Francis himself may be indicted by an American Grand jury, or a civil law inquisitor jurist is a Latin country. Not that they could compel him to appear before the bar; short of invading the city state with troops.

    You complain that many Protestants are bringing their straitlaced Old Testament moral sensibilities into the church. As well you might complain, given the fact that your sympathies obviously lie in significant measure with the perpetrators of these sodomitic assaults. How "lucky" too, for the gay clergy infesting the Church that until now they have only had to deal with pliable and naive communicants who having been trained to imagine that their shepherds were holy men, never thought of taking matters into their own hands when a pervert priest sodomized one of their offspring. Why they could not imagine such a thing was possible, failing to believe the evidence right in front of their eyes. But the bishops, and the cardinals knew. And though the news of the awful depth and scope of the depravity reportedly broke one pope, Benedict, the Peronist Pope, became defiant, accusing the complaining victims of calumny.

    Francis' mouthpiece apparently spoke truly when he boasted that Francis did not need to be guided by scripture or tradition.

    1. Those who hate Francis now have hated him since his election, Those are the people referenced to in my post.

      The statistic of 95% of Americans approving of Pope Francis comes from his first year. Fortunately, most Catholic are not a part of and are not even aware of the hate and venom directed towards Pope Francis by the radical right websites. But yes, the Pope’s approval numbers have gone down since his first year.

      Other than that, I really can’t respond to your comments as they do not correspond to any points I made in my post.

      But we certainly do know where you stand, Dave.

    2. "Other than that, I really can’t respond to your comments as they do not correspond to any points I made in my post."

      Well, I suppose that if you explicitly disavow personal approval of the Quora list of "firsts" which you proposed grate on Catholics who are faithful to the teachings which they received prior to Francis, then, you might say that when I responded in detail to, "They condemned the Holy Father because he said he would not judge someone who is gay but striving to live a holy life.", I was not actually responding to any of "your" points.

      So perhaps your intent was not to quote a list of firsts which you were yourself willing to affirm, but merely a list of firsts which annoyed or vexed the tradition and scripture minded.

      One would have thought though, that among those "firsts" that perplex, was one that would perplex you personally: insofar as it seems to be substantively undermining the very thesis of that papal indispensability and sovereign self-sufficiency which you have thus far been pursuing. Thus,

      "He has said he intends to decentralize the Church, de-emphasizing the role of the pope."

      So really, you are in kind of a bind here, if you approve this item. If so, you cannot coherently criticize those who would look critically at the pope as he freely changes Church teaching, when, they are in fact participating in a skepticism perfectly consonant with that particular "first", qua principle.

      This then, places you in the position of contradicting yourself, as you argue at same time that the pope's changing of the teachings of the Church is fully validated because, as pope, he is a sovereign autocrat, whose every word becomes gospel - even if the words contradict the original Gospel.

      This is rather like the logical problem you face in affirming that the pope may legislate how he pleases and as a law unto himself, when his supposed authority to do so is (so it is argued) vested in him by the very same scriptures which his mouthpiece Rosica purports may be dispensed with.

      Yet, just as the matter of knowingly rendering the bodies of Christian youth up to the probing attentions of certain perverts who have infested the clergy does not seem to faze you morally (they are simply "the weak" chosen to run Christ's Church), neither do the self-redounding negations implicit in a pope's claim of authority via a body of scriptures he (by his spokesman) purports to have the authority to transcend, seem to bother you much, either.

      Certainly, you can see the crazy antinomies you have developed?

      Or, maybe you cannot.

    3. Dave, you hate Pope Francis and consider him a heretic. It even pains you to refer to him as Pope. So as far as I am concerned, there is nothing more to discuss. There is nothing more that I can add to my post.

      I have let you post some really contemptuous statements here, But that is it it, Dave. There are lots of other places you can go in the Internet where they will welcome you with open arms. But you are done here.

    4. Their ecclesiology is Protestantized. They don't accept that even now Christ guides the Church. We do not have a mere broken glass papal infallability. It is not the guarantee implying that should the pope fall into heresy he ceases to be a pope or have authority, therefore preserving infallibility. It is the guarantee that no pope will become a heretic. The pope is the one who assures us that the See of Rome will never lose the faith, because he is the bishop of Rome.

      The sedevacantist mentality sees that its divinely appointed teachers teach something they they think is wrong, and instead of submitting or accepting correction reject the hierarchy as true apostles. That is, they make themselves the infallible rods of measuring what is Catholic, something Catholic ecclesiology already has assigned a role for: the living magisterium.

      Strangely enough these people have done a 180 when they used to teach papal primacy before Pope Francis:

    5. Thank you for this comment. If the Vicar of Christ can become a heretic, then nothing is true. The infallibility of the Pope is the reason the Catholic Church has survived over the millennia. And it has nothing to do with any human beings. It is the working of the Holy Spirit. We either believe that or we are not in communion with the Catholic Church and not in communion with Christ.

      I wish the people at EWTN like Arroyo would read that article you linked to.

  5. PP you are so correct, these people who hail John Paul giving him the title Great and wanting his canonization upon his death have made a 180 turn. They are being influenced by a small number of extreme right Protestant converts who know nothing. It is a Protestant ecclesiology. Longenecker recently proposed as CIB pointed out that that the papacy should be reduced to a symbol with no I here heretic? And Zuhlsdorf is not much better. If they are so unhappy one has to wonder why they joined the church. As far as Francis is concerned, never has so many vile, disgusting, rude things been said. I would strongly suggest the Dave Wilson and the rest of them read the articles I posted above. Francis is different. Why? The short and the long is that he is from a Latin America culture not American/European and it is far different than what we know. The second is his training and formation as a Jesuit and the philosophers and theologians that influenced him. I would recommend they all also read the recently published book by Massimo Borgeshi "The Mind of Pope Francis: Jorge Mario Bergoglio's Intellectual Journey". This material makes things clear as to how Francis operates. He is a far greater intellectual than most people think. But of course they won't read any of this stuff and if they do their minds are made up.

    1. As far as I'm concerned if Zuhlsdorf and Longenecker feel so strongly about their beliefs, they should just leave or become sedevacantists. They are doing no good but poisoning the larger catholic community.

  6. They are the smoke of Satan. They are causing great division and Satan loves that. Longenecker has now suggested that the papacy be a symbol with our any power. More than a little bit protestant. They chose to join the church. They new what they were getting into. Yet they constantly complain and want things as they seem them. Who made them part of the magesterium??


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